Chapter 10

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He stares at me for about 2 seconds before he bursts into laughter.

"Emerald eyes? Really?" He laughs and slaps his hand on his knees.

I scoff. "It's not like you told me your name." I state putting my hands on my hips.

At this point we're both not running anymore.

He puts out his hand for me to shake. "Hi I'm Noah, nice to meet you."

I nod my head and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Noah. My name is Jess."

"What a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Parker, Williams, is it break time already?" Mr. Sadman says into his megaphone.

God lord we stopped for 5 seconds.

"Sorry sir." Noah says giving me one last look before he starts to run.

"I think I'll stick to Emerald Eyes." I say before I join him.

Me and Emerald Eyes ran together for what I thought was about 30 minutes. We didn't make any conversation but if one of us ran slower the other would too.

"You guys are halfway there, another half hour to go." Ashton yells, loud enough for us to hear.


I thought we were almost done. I swear when Ashton picked up the megaphone I thought we were done. I don't think I'll survive this. When the police come to investigate my death, tell them the person their looking for goes by the name Ashton Grey.

I give Emerald Eyes a look of desperation. Please someone save me from this.

He looks at me happily, I think he feels like time went by fast.  Are they actually used to this type of torture. I can't take this anymore.

I look up and realize that i'm near the bleachers which also means i'm close to the devil. If you didn't know the devil goes by the name 'Ashton Grey', but don't let that fool you.

He looks up when run pass him, and locks gazes with me until I back out and look at the ground once again. Whatever I'll have a staring contest with him later.


After another 25 minutes I hear Mr. Sadman blow his whistle, and call everyone in. I somehow manage to get myself to the team before I throw myself into the bleachers.

"Walk it out, Jess." Mr. Sadman says looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Ughh, he's right. I'm gonna cramp if I let myself sit down.

I thought I had good stamina but I guess that was compared to the female standards, I'm gonna have to realize that I'm not in female phys-ed anymore. I'm also gonna have to come to practise 5 minutes earlier every practise, cause i'm not going through this again. Nah ah, not happening.

Ashton blows his whistle, so I start to walk over to the huddle that the team is making. I decided not to make him mad during practise anymore cause he's got all the power, but off the field that's another story.

"I was gonna make you shoot corners for the next thirty minutes but it looks like everyone lost their stamina this summer, because you all look like you're close to fainting." He rolls his eyes .

"So I'm cutting practise a little early. You're free to go but don't think this is happening again, because it wont. No matter how tired you look. We also need to spend a lot more time running, your stamina is embarrassing." With that he dismisses us and walks towards the bleachers.

We all start getting our bags and leaving, no one dares to say a word in fear of Ashton. I sit on the bleachers and gulp down more water while subtly staring at Ashton every five seconds. He's writing something down in a notebook.

Emerald eyes walks over to me and plops down on the bench beside me. "That's the notebook that Mr. Sadman and Ashton use for the team. They keep track of individual and team progress, our weaknesses, what position we play, you name it, it's there." He follows my eye and gestures to the notebook.

"Wow it's like the black book, have you seen inside it." I'm suddenly curious to know what the book says about me. Probably not much seeing that i've been here for a total of 3 practises.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Not a chance, no one has seen it not even Simon or Jacob and they're his best bro's."  With that he pats me on the back and gets up to leave.

Well then, i'm never gonna get to see the inside of that notebook.

I gaze somehow travels to him again without my permission. It's not that I like him quite the opposite actually, I hate him with a passion. I just want to figure him out.

I look down at my phone and text Emily to tell her that practise was done early, she's my ride home today. My car is at the repairs because of some oil leakage problem, and not having it is hard because I keep having to ask Clara and Emily for a ride since my mom is always at work. They say they don't mind but I hate asking for that many favours.

I hear Ashton laugh at something Simon says and look up to see all three of them laughing and smiling. I swear Ashtons mood swings are hard to keep up with, one minute he's moody and the next he's snorting and laughing. Well not exactly snorting but let's imagine he's snorting, because it's funnier.

People start to leave the field one by one until it's only me and Ashton. I pretend to text someone because he's on his phone and I don't want to awkwardly have nothing to do.

"It looked like you were dying out there sparkles.' Ashton suddenly turns around and says smirking  Why he's smirking I don't even know..

"One, stop calling me that, two, of course I was dying. Your a pure sadist, that was torture." I roll my eyes and go back to fake texting on my phone.

"One, I warned you that I push my team hard and two, I told you I wouldn't treat you any differently than the guys." He states pointing out the obvious while obviously mocking me.

"Plus, I would've let you go today if you just finished our conversation instead of ignoring me and cutting me off, i'm glad you did though because I wouldn't have let any of the guys go." He points out as an afterthought.

I scoff, "Yeah right."

"I guess we both learned something today, me, that I have to get used to having a girl on our team and that I can't go easy on you because of that fact."

Okay he definitely has no problem with treating me equally because the only girls he'll treat differently are the ones he'll be in bed with.

"You have no problem treating me equally," I roll my eyes, "but your right about one thing I learned that Ashton Grey is an extreme sadist who loves to see people suffering."

He laughs, "Actually you learned that on this field i've got all the power." He says still smirking. I want to slap that smirk right off his face.

Right when I was about to answer my phone vibrates in my hand stopping me mid sentence.

Em_love: I'm in the parking lot.


"I've got to go." I say instead.

I take my bag and start to walk towards the parking lot, I feel his gaze on my back and so desperately want to look back but if I do he'll know I looked back to see him. I'm so tempted to look back but I can't.

I walk uncomfortably  until I know I'm out of his view.

When I reach the parking lot I hear Emily honk from the left, so I walk towards her blue mitsubishi.

I'm ready for a weekend full of netflix, food and sleep, lots of sleep.

I get into Emily's car and that's when I remember the fake date I have With Ashton and his parents tomorrow.

Great. Perfect. Fantastic

There goes my perfectly planned weekend.

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With love, xoxo

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