Chapter 5

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Note to self, learn to be more patient.

The minute I get to school I run to the bleachers and I see that there are already a few people from Friday's tryouts there. There's also a whole bunch of random people because even if your not part of the team, you want to know who made Ravendale's soccer team.

Our schools soccer team always wins any games, tournaments  or championships. It's what we're famous for, so the soccer team is big deal.

As I get closer I see everyone looking at me weirdly and since I'm not an idiot that must mean I got in.

I feel like dancing a jingle in front of everyone cause of my happiness but decide not to embarrass myself.

I mean I don't even know for sure yet, for all I know I might haves big blotch of peanut butter on my face.

Obviously, subconsciously I rub my face.

Nope, no peanut butter.

Now I can see my name clearly on the paper, it's the second name on the list.

"Your 1st practise is today After school don't be late, bring all necessary attire."







I'm gonna be on a soccer team, a real genuine soccer team.

I can't stop the smile that starts to appear on my face.

Britany the all around "popular girl" comes up to me.

"Is Jess supposed to be you, or is there a boy Jess." She asks me.

"What am I saying of course it's not you, there's no girls on the soccer team." She starts laughing as if the thought itself was funny and her 2 right hands; Britand Valerie, but I like to call them Thing 1 and Thing 2 start laughing right along with her.

"Of course it's me, do you see another Jess anywhere here?" I counter annoyed.

"But how?" Some random guy shouted.

"What, I'm so confused."

"I didn't know girls could try out." One girl sounded pissed that she never got to try out.

I kind of blank out and stand there probably looking like a moron.

"Everybody get to class NOW." Mr. Sadman yells blowing his whistle.

The whole crowd quietly starts to walk towards the front doors of the school.

Internally I'm grateful to Mr. Sandman for unintentionally getting me out of that very awkward position.

While I start to walk back, I see Clara running towards me with a huge grin on her face.

"I knew you would get it, Jess." she screams engulfing me in a way to tight hug.

My excitement returns to the surface and I hug her back almost as hard.

Then I almost get knocked to my feet, because Emily has also joined in on our hug.

"I'm so happy for you" she exclaims excitedly.

I'm usually not sappy but I love my best friends.

"Guys the first bell rings in 1 minute, were gonna be late."

Moment ruined, we grab our bags and run as fast as we can to the front door.


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