Chapter 3

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This sounds very intriguing, and since I don't really have anything else to do I guess I can listen in. I mean it's not usual Ashton has trouble in paradise.

I make my way to the window so I can hear their conversation more clearly. Thank god my window isn't directly in front of Ashton's but it's also not that far off.
I mean if I strained my neck I could see inside, I think.

"We're tired of you sleeping around with every girl you see, you're not gonna take over my corporation still acting like a immature playboy." His father screams.

"How I spend my time is my choice and none of your business." Ashton yells back.

"We are your parents, of course it's our business." His mother defends.

"Hardly." Ashton mutters loud enough to be heard.

Either they have horrible hearing or there ignoring what he said.

"You're to be engaged, we will start looking for appropriate spouse's right away."

Did I hear that that right "ENGAGED" at 18, to a girl he doesn't know. I might hate him to pieces but even I feel bad for him.

"What the hell, no way." Ashton looks just as shocked as I feel.

"It will be good for your playboy status. It's time you started acting like an adult."

"But I have a girlfriend, and I'm in love with her." Ashton states.

He is one hell of a liar. If I didn't know better I would have believed him.

Really, Why didn't we know about this before." His mother says getting back into the conversation.

"Maybe cause you're never around." Ashton smoothly responds.

His father doesn't look convinced. "I'd like to meet this special girl."

"Yes, bring her over for dinner on Friday night."
His mother seems very thrilled with the idea.

"Sure. I'll invite her over, but it's no guarantee she'll come."

It's hard to tell. But I feel like he's starting to get nervous, Like I mentioned before he's a great liar.

"Of course she'll come, if she really loves you." His dad proclaimed, probably not fully believing him.

Out of habit I glance at my watch.
I'm not even ready, and it's eight o'clock already. I move away from the window and start rummaging through my closet, looking for clean clothes. You see I'm not a very neat person so it's not easy.

I put on my black adidas joggers and a Harry Potter themed blue shirt.

Brown eyes, brown hair. That's what I see looking back at me from the mirror. I think my best physical feature are my eyelashes. They're really long so I don't have to wear mascara.

My mom's at work so I rush out and wait outside for Clara. She always gives me a ride to school cause I don't drive. And Emily lives on the other side of the school, so that leaves Clara.

Putting my earphones on I get comfortable on my porch, knowing I could be here for awhile.

My mind drifts off to the conversation I overheard today. I honestly feel bad for him no matter what a douche he can be, I mean his parents seem really horrible. There never around and when they are around they're aranging for Ashton to get married.

What's he going to do? I mean we all know he doesn't have a girlfriend and if he doesn't bring a girl to dinner his parents won't believe him.

I mean he can't just ask a girl to pretend to be a long term girlfriend and act like there in love.

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