Chapter 8

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I try to change the subject. "So when do I have to play the role of pretend girlfriend?" I question curious.
Maybe his parents changed their minds and I'm no longer needed for the role.
"I was planning to tell them you're coming over on Saturday night." He says nonchalantly.
"And I was gonna be informed on.."
"Saturday." He replies as if it was obvious.
I roll my eyes, boys are gonna be boys.
He leans his elbows on the table and leans forward making the space between us more tighter than I'm comfortable with. "What made you love soccer so much you wanted to join the boy's team?"
When we were kids Ashton would play soccer in his enormous backyard and I would go to my mom's room just to watch him play. It was like my favorite thing to do. The way he was always so focused and the passion he put into it made me love the sport myself. He was always really good at soccer, even at 9 years old he could do skill moves I still can't do.
But I'm not telling him that he's the reason that I love soccer. His Ego is already boosted enough.

"I don't know, I guess I watched a game once and it captured me, The skill that's used and the passion players put into their ball work." I say.
"Well you got what you wanted." He says, staring at me like he's trying to figure me out.
"I guess, But I heard your practices are hard, so I hope
I don't die." I say narrowing my eyes at him.
He laughs. "Don't worry, I won't let you die. But at some points you might wish you'd die."
I scoff cause that totally helps.
"I'm not gonna go easy on you Because you're a girl." He warns me and takes a sip of his Pepsi.
"I didn't want you too." I state rolling my eyes.
He takes another sip. "Good."
"I make sure the team does the best they can, we have a reputation to uphold." Ashton says.
"Yeah I know, Even I can admit you know what you're doing." I say reluctantly.
"Thanks, sparkles." He grins looking surprised that I complimented him.
I wave him off. "Don't take it to heart, everything else about you sucks."
"Give us all the juice." Clara exclaims jumping on to the sofa.
I turn my attention back on my History paper. "There is no juice." I say emphasizing the juice with my fingers.
"Come on, tell us what happened, or Clara's gonna lose her head." Emily says also very curious but at least she's hiding it.
"We had sex in his beautiful Lamborghini and then made out so passionately at McDonald's that we got kicked out." I say shrugging.
"You did not." They shout at the same time throwing pillows at me. "The truth." Emily says looking at me pointedly.
"We did nothing." I say getting frustrated, I still have to write 200 words for my paper.
"That's not possible, I mean you went out with Ashton Grey, king of Woodrose High." She says, exaggerating a little much.
"We did not go out, and he's not the king of anything." He's way to self obsessed to be a king.
They stay silent and give me a hard stare.
"Oh lord, fine. We ate and talked about random shit." I say annoyed. There's really no story here, we did nothing.
"Fine, whatever." Clara says realizing I actually didn't do anything else.
We literally talked about different soccer players until I said we should head back, that was the end of it.
"Trust you to get alone time with Ashton Grey and waste it on useless chit chat." She mumbles under her breath.
I throw my pillow at her only for her to dodge it. She knows me too well, I have to step up my pillow throwing game.
I need the pillow to lean on. "Can I please have my pillow back." I ask super sweetly.
She passes it to me, mumbling under her breath.
"You're late."  Ashton says when I reach the field with my bag.
Everyone's already started warming up. God the third practise and I'm late. I would be the first one to be late this year and I heard it's not pretty when someones late.
I'm always late for everything so it's gonna be hard to make it in time for soccer practises. When I say everything I mean everything. Clara, Emily and my mom always say that is should be made into a disorder.
Maybe he'll go easy on me because I'm a girl.
"I'm so sorry, but I'm only a few minutes late." I say batting my eyelashes and sugarcoating my words.
He looks like he's trying to stop himself from laughing. I guess I'm a joke now.
"Not gonna work Parker." He says crossing his arms.
"Whatever." I say heading to the circle where everyone's warming up.
I look around confused. Why is everyone looking at me like I'm some type of ghost.
Adrian nudges me. "You did not." He whispers shocked.
This is stupid. "I didn't what." Ashton didn't even do anything. I mean I was scared in the beginning but he didn't do anything. So why can't we just continue this stupid practise.
I feel the presence shift, I don't have to look up to know Ashton joined our circle.
"What are we doing, can we continue these stretches Simon." He says looking at his friend pointedly.
"Okay..." He looked a little shocked, but I think he got a message from Ashton, so now their back on the same track.
Simon gets on the ground. "Fifty push ups." He says waiting until we all got on the ground.
We start the push ups and after the tenth push up, Kayden who I haven't held a conversation with since like Freshman year whispers. "Wow, you're a badass, but we're all gonna have to pay now." He says, then starts the next pushup.
I go down for the push up too, then when I get up I whisper back. "What do you mean he didn't do anything."
We go down for another push up. "Believe me, he never let's tardiness go."
Okay so I guess, he's gonna let me suffer through waiting. Now I'm anxious to just get whatever evil thing he has planned over with.
When we go down for the next push up I notice that Ashton decided to join us in the warm up this time around. Since he's the captain he gets to pick whether he's gonna suffer with us or watch us suffer. When he does decide to join us, he makes everything look so easy. Last practise he did 150 push ups without breaking a sweat, while everyone else was really suffering. Okay I was suffering. But even Simon and Jacob we're tired after, and they were definitely sweating.
While I was mindlessly zoned out I didn't realize that we we're almost done.
Ashton decides to look over at me while I'm coming up from the push up. I glare back at him and he starts smirking.
Why am I sensing that glaring at him probably wasn't the best thing I could have done for myself.
When we finish Ashton stands up and starts talking. "Since Jess decided to come late today, without reason or an apology we're doing something different."
Shit. This was really happening.


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