Chapter 6

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After practise I start to leave, already thinking about snuggling under covers when Deja vu hits me.

Ashtons stops me and hands me a few papers.

"Here's my homework, get it done for tomorrow." He says smiling really wide.

"HA you wi...." I stop mid sentence.

He raises his eyebrows and smirks, "What was that?" he says.

"I'll get it done for tomorrow." I groan, what did I sign up for.

"But if you fail don't blame it on me." I say.

"Jess, I know your smart. So if I fail it would be because you didn't try." He says narrowing his eyes.

"And we really don't want that to happen do we." He smiles and starts to leave.

"Are you threatening me." Now it's my turn to narrow my eyes.

"You can call it whatever, but this is me being nice. Imagine what else I can make you do." He says.

"So brought this onto yourself, it was your idea." He says shrugging.

"Btw, answer my texts when you get them."

"How do you have my number" I reply confused.

He points at the sign up sheet.

"I've got to go, see you tomorrow." He says and leaves.

As I get into the car I realize how tired I am, even though all we did was suicides and one passing drill. I'm really not in the mood to go to Clara's today, Id rather stay at home and sleep but I know They'll be upset so I text Them.

Savage squad.

Jess101: I'm on my way, make sure you have Netflix ready.

Em_love: kk

Clarthegucci: hurry, ur late.

Jess101: talk later, I'm driving

I off my phone and put it back in my bag. I have double homework tonight, so I'm gonna have to multitask while watching Netflix.

I guess Ashton could have gave me more to do, because I know for a fact he got Biology homework as we're in the same class. But he didn't give me the homework for biology.

When I reach Clara's house I get out and ring the bell too lazy to figure out which shoe the keys in today ( It's in a different shoe every day ).

"How was practise?" Emily asks as she flings the door open.

"Hurry up, It's the good part." Clara yells from the couch.

"It was okay, I guess." I say running to the sofa and cuddling under the covers.

"I can't believe you started the rerun without me." I whine teasingly.

"Come on, you've watched this episode like 141 times, and counting." She says, matter of fact.

Okay I've watched it like 103 times, she is such a liar.

"Shut up guys, i'm trying to watch." Emily shushes us while staring intently at the screen.

After watching 1 episode of Sherlock I decide to take out the double load of homework and get started on it.

"Btw, How was practise." Clara asks me after turning of the tv.

I open a ruffles bag and pop a few in my mouth before answering.

"It was fine, I guess. We didn't do much in terms of soccer. We just talked as a team then did a little bit of running." I say devouring the flavour of the chips.

"Oh, cool." She stops, but as if she was gonna say something.

"What?" I ask questioningly.

"It's just did you see Ashton with his shirt off, or has that not happened yet." She asks somehow managing to keep her face serious.

Me and Emily throw our pillows at her simultaneously laughing.

"Okay, okay I was joking." She says bringing her hands up to block our attack.

"Seriously though most girls are so jealous your gonna have a closeup, the most we get is bleacher view in the middle of a game. And even that's rare." She says matter of fact.

"Okay, you really need to shutup." I say laughing at this unbelievable conversation.

"Wait but-"

"Clara can you please shut your mouth so I can finish this stupid chemistry question." Emily yells in exparagance.

"Okay fine, fine." She says putting her hands up in surrender.

"Thank you." I mutter under my breath so she can hear me.

After narrowing her eyes at me, we all work for about an hour in silence. Okay... not silence but the closest we ever get to it.

"Yes I'm finally done his short essay." I hope he's happy with it.

I don't want to make him mad when he has me at his beck and call. Okay I just have to survive 1 week and 6 days. And a little bit of pretend girlfriend.

"We're almost done the questions." Clara and Emily say.

After we finished our own work we split up Ashton's work and decided to conquer it together. Well they decided, but it's not like I was protesting.

My friends are really the best sometimes, even when they're annoying as hell.

"Okay, done." Clara says closing the laptop with a bang.

"I still can't believe you thought of this deal." Emily says.

"Well, like they say... follow your dreams." Clara reply's.

"Yeah I'll think about dreams after the hell of a two weeks I've got coming."

By the time we went home it was 9:30 PM, and my mom doesn't like me staying out late on a school night and since Emily came with Clara I was her ride home.


I'm lying in bed on my phone surfing through social media and reading some Buzzfeed articles before I sleep.

ASHTON: Is my homework done?

Jess101: Yes, and can you maybe not stalk peoples phone numbers.

Ashton: I wasn't stalking, you basically gave it to me. I don't need to stalk people for their phone number, Actually I don't even have to ask.

Jess101: I gave it to Mr. Sadman, not you.

I ignore his comment on phone numbers because even I know it's true.

Ashton: Tom?? He hardly looks at those forms.

Jess101: Well I didn't know that.

Ashton: Wouldn't have made a difference whether you did or not. You didn't have a choice in the matter.

Jess101: Whatever, is this conversation over?

Ashton: Goodnight sparkles.

Jess101: Oh god please don't.

When we were kids I used to make him call me sparkles, because of some cartoon character from my favourite childhood show. I can't believe he actually still remembers, and I can't believe he has the nerve to bring it up.

Ashton: Don't what, sparkles?

Jess101: Just shut up and go to sleep.

Ashton: I'm pretty sure I'm the one that gets to order you around.

Okay I'm too sleepy to deal with this right now.

I close my phone and off the night lamp before drifting off into a deep slumber.


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Thanks for reading! Xoxo

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