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Emily's pov

It's 2am the girls have been missing for 14 hours, an amber alert has been sent out and everyone in Rosewood is looking for Grace and Lily.

"We need to keep looking" Ali says, standing up from the sofa

"Is there any point? We know A took them and we've never been any good at finding A"

"But Aria this time is different. This time we're not only looking for A, we are looking for Lily and Grace"

'eeny meeny miny moe. Catch a Carson by the toe if it squeals let it go. Eeny meeny miny moe -A'

"Phone Caleb" Spence screams

Hanna picks up her phone and calls Caleb. There is no answer. She phones him again and he answers, Hanna puts it on loud speaker and Caleb begins to talk

"Hanna. I'm sorry. They came in the house. I tried to stop them. I ran to the kids and by the time I got Harper" he pauses "Carson was gone"

'Guess Hubby isn't as strong as you think. Wonder if officer Cavanaugh is stronger 👮💪 -A'

Now A has taken Grace, Lily and Carson. What would someone want with two 6 year olds and a 4 year old? I think to myself terrified of what they might do to them. We receive one more text. It's a photo, the three kids are standing in a line each holding a piece of paper with writing on it, scribbled onto one piece held up by Carson was "Rock". Lily stood next to him "Paper". Then Grace "Scissors".


"Shoot" Leo stood next to Grace holding up the word shoot, a gun on the wall hovering over his head

"What do we do?" asks Spencer

Alison begins to type on her phone

"What are you doing Ali?" Hanna screams

"I'm getting our kids back"

'We will find you and we will kill you -Alison'

"Who do you think you are bloody Liam Neeson?" I say grabbing her phone off her

"Guys look"

Spencer zooms into the photo and points out a letter pinned up on a board at the back

"It has an address on it. Grab the keys. We are going for a drive" she smirks

Ali's pov

We type the address into the satnav and it takes us to a large hotel on the outskirts of Rosewood. We decide to split up in search of the kids.

"Alison be careful. A might be here"

"I don't care Emily I'm going to get our daughters back" she grabs my hand and pulls me back

"Alison we've already lost them. I don't want to lose you too" her voice softens and I can see her eyes drop to her feet as she tries pushing back the tears

I grasp her hand and continue walking.

"Alison! What was that?!"

I turn my head so fast I almost give myself whiplash

"I don't know Emily" I sigh

"Alison I'm scared" she tightens her grip of my hand pulling herself closer to me

"Me too Em"

Footsteps begin to echo. They become a run and soon we find ourselves running as well. Running through the woods trying to escape whoever is chasing us. My foot hits a tree root and I feel myself falling. I hit the mud; it is pitch dark all I can hear is the cries of my wife. My head is bouncing and my vision blurs.

"Alison. Come on Ali. Get up"

I can't see. Emily screams and I hear a hand thump down onto her shoulder

"Fuck sake Aria you scared me" she shouts

"What happened to her?" it is Spencer, she places her hand under my head as someone's small hands lift my legs. I am carried to the hotel, my vision begins to come back and everyone becomes a blurry ghost; but I can see again

"Willow?" Emily says as I am placed onto a sofa in the lobby

"Hey Ms Fields. Ms DiLaurentis are you okay?" Emily's favourite student, who creepily reminds me of Spencer, crouches down in front of me; her face becomes un-blurry

"Yes I'm fine" I say politely as I wobble to my feet

"So what are you doing here at my Dads hotel ?"

Willow's Dad owns this place ? Wow they must be millionaires

"Just on a girls night out" Hanna replies to her, trying to seem unsuspicious

"Without the twins?" Willow asks Emily

"Yes we um..."

"Left them at their Gran's house" I say finishing Emily's sentence

"Okay, bye Ms Fields and friends"

"Bye Willow" Em says as Willow walks away up the titanic looking stairs

'Getting warmer -A'

"This hotel is massive even if they are here how are we ever going to find them?" Aria asks

Hanna and Aria's phones start to ring; it's Caleb and Ezra.

"Caleb went into Carson's room and he was just sitting on the floor playing with his wrestlers. He is home" Hanna says hanging up the phone

"So is Leo" Aria says, returning to the middle of the lobby

"Emily phone Pam and see if they've came back"

Emily phones her mom; who we had asked to go over to the house incase the girls came home. They weren't home.

'I only needed two. The twins are missing their mommies. Tick tock bitches 👶🔫-A'

Emily looks up from her phone and a smile forms. She looks happy

"What you smiling at?" I ask furious that she is smiling when our kidnapped daughters' lives are in danger

"We may be closer than you think" she smirks, looking towards the guest filled stairs which seem to climb for miles

"I think I know who A is" she adds looking back towards us

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