It's a...

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Emily's pov

"Jennifer, what happened? Is the baby okay? Are you okay?" I ask, bursting into the hospital room

"I don't know the midwife is just coming. I phoned you as soon as I was on my way" she tells us

"What's happened?" Alison nervously asks

"I haven't felt the baby" she sighs

"Hello Miss Finlay, I am here to check your baby" the midwife says, setting up the ultrasound

"It's not mine it's..." Jennifer begins to tell the midwife before stopping as she realises that it doesn't matter who's baby it is, right now all that matters is the baby is safe

Alison grabs onto my hand as we anxiously listen for the heartbeat.

The midwife smiles before she presses a button on the ultrasound machine. Our baby's heartbeat echos the room. We both give a sigh of relief. Alison leans her head onto my shoulder, not taking her eyes off our baby

"I'm glad you came in. It's safer to check" the midwife smiles

"Do you know the sex?"

"No" Alison tells her

"While you are here, do you want to know?" She asks Jennifer

"Well I'm just the surrogate. It's their baby" Jennifer explains

Alison half smiles at me, and I smile back

Ali's pov

"I know you don't want to know, so it'll be a surprise" I whisper to Emily, mustering a smile

"Yes. We would love to know the sex" Emily smiles as she tightly squeezes my hand

"It's a..." the midwife pauses

"Sorry what's your names?"

"Emily and Alison" Jennifer tells her

"Emily and Alison, you are having a beautiful baby...boy"

Emily squeals before wrapping her legs around my waist and clinging onto my neck. We kiss each other before I place her back onto the ground. The news has taken me by surprise as my body freezes unaware of what to do now.

"Congratulations Emily and Ali"

"Thank you Jen" Emily smirks, letting go of me and giving her a hug

"So is he your first baby?"

"Well our first boy, we have beautiful twin girls"

"Oh was that a surrogacy as well?"

"No, they were..." Emily pauses, trying to think of how to explain our situation

"No, this is our first time having a surrogate" I smile

"There's a first for everything. First boy and first surrogate baby" the midwife awkwardly laughs

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