Separate Day Out

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Ali's pov

During the week Emily and I realised that for 7 years Lily and Grace have never been alone. They have never spent a day of their lives without each other. To solve this issue we have decided to separately go out for a day; Lily and I are going out together and Emily and Grace are going somewhere different in an attempt to separate the girls for at least a few hours.

"Are you excited?" Emily enthusiastically asks

"No" Grace complains

"Why not?" Em asks, the enthusiasm in her voice fades

"Because I'll miss Lily"

"I'll miss you too" Lily says with a petted lip, as Grace refuses to end their hug

"Come on Lil. Let's go" I say, prizing her out of Grace's arms

Lily and I take our car and, Emily and Grace borrow Pam's car to allow us complete separation for the day

"Where are we going Mom?"

"It's a surprise. But don't worry, I will spoil you my little princess" I smile

Emily's pov

My mom's car always smells of cookies. I never know how or why but her car always smells delicious. Grace and Lily agree that it's because she's a granny and granny's make cookies to fatten their grandchildren. However, I doubt this because my mom is overly obsessed with Lily and Grace being healthy

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise Grace. But you won't be disappointed"

"I miss Lily"

"And I'm sure Lily misses you too, but today is our day. Plus I'm better than Lily, sure I am!"

"No" she sighs

"Come on Grace. Smile. We are going to have fun today. First stop is McDonalds"

Grace smirks and turns her head away from me to look out the window, as if in a Disney movie.

Ali's pov

Lily and I skip out the car, into the local indoor activity centre. In side is hundreds of restaurants and many entertainment facilities such as a cinema, bowling and mini-golf

"What do you want to do babe?"

"Bowling" Lily jumps up and down with excitement

"Anything for you princess" I kiss the top of her head before continuing to walk to the bowling alley

Emily's pov

"And a happy meal for her majesty" I giggle, rubbing the top of her gorgeous blonde hair

"Thank you Mom"

After our food we return to the car and drive to our mystery location

"The Library?" Grace complains

"Yes. It'll be fun. You can get a new book and there are computers" I smile

"Come on baby" I smile while unbuckling my seat belt

"Fine" she moans, climbing out of the car

Ali's pov

"Strike" Lily squeal, running into my arms

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