Chapter 100: 'Til Death Do Us Part

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Emily's pov

"Granny I'm gay" my 5 year old granddaughter shouts

"You are?"

"Yep. I'm gay, gay, gay"

"Alison we have another one to add to the list" I shout with laughter

"What?" she giggles, walking from the kitchen to Lily and Grace's old bedroom

"There's another gay in the family" I snigger

"What makes you think you are gay Hope?" Ali smiles at our granddaughter

"Because you and Granny are gay, so I am as well" 

"I think that's a good enough explanation" I laugh, resting my hand gently on Ali's shoulder

"Moms have you seen Mr. Teddy?" Lily asks us, waving at her daughter who is refusing to sleep

"No, why do you need him? Lily you are twenty-nine, not five" I giggle, leaving the room and walking towards the living room

"I'm five" Hope proudly shouts out to me as I leave and Alison continues to tuck her in

"I don't need him. Isaac does"

"Isaac? Doesn't he have his own teddy?" Grace questions

"Yes he does, Lil just doesn't want to admit that she still needs her teddy bear" Carson laughs

"Shut up. Give me him" Lily snaps at her husband who is shaking Mr. Teddy above his head

"My little sis, who's overly obsessed with her bear" Grace giggles, wrapping her arm around Lily and holding her in a firm headlock

"I'm not your little sis, we are twins"

"I'm sorry who was born first?" Grace teases

"Well he's not for me, Isaac wanted him"

"I'm sure he did" Emerson laughs as he walks from the kitchen with a beer in his hand

"Is this make fun of Lily day or something?" she moans, pulling Mr. Teddy into a comforting hug

"Emerson Wayne DiLaurentis-Fields, what is that?" I snap, pulling the beer from Emerson's hand

"Mom I'm twenty-one" he sighs as he wrestles with me to retrieve his beer bottle

"Not yet. You aren't twenty-one for another six months" Alison reminds him as she joins us in the living room

"What's the difference?" He asks; leaning his tall, muscular body over mine and grabbing the bottle from my grasp, he runs his hand through his dirty-blonde hair before taking a large drink of beer

"Emerson's fine, he's been drinking since he was seventeen"

"What?" I screech

"Lily, shut up. No I haven't" he lies; just like the girls Emerson has inherited my inability to lie

Alison laughs as she sees my face turn red with rage, she strokes my arm to try calm me down before giggling

"Seventeen? Why did you wait that long? Mom and I were drinking at fifteen"

"Drink up" she smiles at me, saying it in the same raspy tone that she did when she first said it to Aria

I used to love the raspy tone in her voice, it always appeared when she was with the girls; when she didn't have to be bitchy Ali but she still had to maintain her reputation as the "mean girl". Whenever she was just with me the tone of her voice became a softer, more natural, husky tone; the same husky tone which still makes me melt like butter every time she hushes my name.

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