13 weeks- The Announcement

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Ali's pov

"Lily, Grace. Do you remember when we told you that you were going to have a little brother and then sadly our letter to the storks got lost?"

"Yes" Grace says as her eyes fall to the floor

"Well" Em pauses, grabbing onto my hand "we wrote them another letter and they got it"

"Are we having a little brother again?" Lily jumps off the sofa with excitement

"You might have a little brother, or you might have a little sister. This time we don't know" I smile

"I can't fucking wait" Lily screams as she and Grace begin to dance with joy

"Lily! Language!" Emily screams, trying to hide her laughter

"Lily Pam DiLaurentis-Fields, what have we told you about your language?" I strictly ask

"I'm sorry Mommies. I meant to say that I really can't wait" Lily says as Grace giggles behind her

"I'm glad that you are both excited" I blush

Emily's pov

"I'm so nervous"

"Why?" Alison laughs, spinning her car keys around her finger

"I just don't know what she'll say. She'll probably be pissed that we went through ivf for months and never told her until now"

"I'm more nervous that she finds out Lily has a mouth like a sailor. I mean where does she get it from? We never swear in front of the girls, and Grace never swears, so why does Lil?"

"I have no clue where she gets it from and I know it's bad but I do find it hilarious. She's so small and innocent, it's funny when she curses. Anyway that's not the point, what will we do if my mom is angry?"

"Em, your mom will be fine. She'll be absolutely delighted. Now come on let's go tell her the news" Ali smiles, lightly pulling the back of my hand up to her face before kissing it; as if in a Disney movie

Alison knocks on the door and I hear my mom shuffle towards the door

"What are you girls doing here? Come in"

"We have some exciting news Pam" Alison smiles as she greets my mom with a hug

"Oh, come sit down and you can tell me" My mom smiles, quickly clapping her hands with excitement before hopping to the living room

My mom sits on the armchair and Ali and I sit on the sofa opposite her. Alison lays her hand over my shaking hand and slowly twists my wedding ring around with her index finger and thumb, I rest my other hand on the inside of her thigh and my mom sweetly smiles at us.

"Well, what is it?"

Ali and I both look towards each other while blushing. Alison nods her head at me, telling me to announce our pregnancy to my mom

"We are having a baby" I smile, looking towards my mom

My mom's face lights up and she stands up to pull us both into a tight hug

"Boy or girl?" She asks, sitting back down

"We don't know" Ali smirks

"Oh, are you seeing the children before so you can choose who you adopt?"

"No" I smile at Alison

"Pam, we don't know the baby's sex because we aren't adopting. We are having our own baby"

My mom's eyebrows lower as her eyes shoot towards our flat stomachs

"What do you mean?"

"We used ivf. We got a sperm donor, both our eggs and a surrogate" Alison explains

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