Fat Friday

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Emily's pov

"Come on bitches, today is the last day to place a bet" Hanna says as she holds a pocket sized notebook in her hand

"I'll put five dollars that it's a girl" Spencer tells her

"Okay stingy nickers bets five dollars. Anyone else?"

"Stingy nickers?"

"Yes that's you. Five dollars really Spence? This is supposed to be a fun game. When have you ever put money on whether you get a new niece or nephew?"

"Never, that's why I only betted five"

"Well I'll bet fifty that it's a boy" Hanna smiles

"Look I'm not over enthusiastic about you placing bets about my unborn child. But you can't have Mr Krabs betting five dollars and Spongebob betting ten times that. I'd say that if they want to join in everyone has to pay twenty dollars"

"Okay Ali, to prove to you that I am not like Mr. Krabs I'll bet twenty that you have another little girl" Spencer says, pulling more money from her purse

"Aria? Alison? Emily?" Hanna asks

"Boy" Aria says after a short contemplation

"It's definitely a boy" Alison shouts, slamming $20 onto the table

"No. I can tell it's a girl" I smile, looking down at my lock screen which has a photo of my three gorgeous blondes

Ali's pov

"I heard the word girl. Are we talking about Emison's baby?" Mona asks as she walks down the metal stairs from her house

"No we were talking about the dick pic Emily sent to Alison last night" Hanna sarcastically jokes

Mona rolls her eyes before inviting herself into our conversation, pulling a chair over to the sofa in which Hanna is slumped in

"I'll get more coffee. Is it the usual?" Mona asks

"Do you even know our usual?" Aria asks

"Of course. Spencer gets a super sized drip with three sugars, Hanna gets a skinny vanilla latte, Aria drinks a dry soy cappuccino, and sweet Emily gets the opposite of her..." Mona pauses before jokingly saying "a straight americano"

Hanna bursts into laughter at Mona's joke before questioning why she left out my order

"Truthfully. I learned your orders when I was A, you guys haven't changed since. Alison wasn't around when I was A so I don't know her order" Mona admits

"I'll have a straight americano with vodka"

"You know that Ezria don't have an alcohol licence"

"I know but I need something to cure the headache you give me"

"I'll get you a black coffee, cause it's just like you. Most people don't like you because you are really bitter"

My pupils are hidden within my skull as Emily interrupts my eye roll by whispering "be nice" in my ear

"Always" I smile at her

Emily's pov

"So are you going to put on a bet?" Spencer asks Mona as she returns with our coffees

"Bet for what?"

"What gender Emison's baby is going to be"

"It's a girl" Mona says quickly

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