Family Fun

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Emily's pov

"Emily, Emerson needs you" Alison yawns as our tiny baby screams at the top of his lungs

"Why have I to get him? You get him"

"Bitch. I got him last night"

"No you did not" I complain

"Fine I'll get him..."

"...again" Alison mutters before continuing "I obviously love him more"

"Fuck you"

"You already have" she giggles under her breath before turning to face away from me "many times"

Alison's comment of who loves Emerson more works and I decide that I will settle him, to prove that I love him just as much as she does. I climb out our bed and sit on the edge, rocking Emerson in my arms. His tiny hand wraps around my thumb as I sing to him, and his eyelashes flutter closed. Softly kissing him on the forehead, I place him back into his crib.

Ali's pov

"How does it feel?"

"What?" Emily asks

"How does it feel to have two arms again?" I giggle, nudging her to the side

"It's great especially since I can do this again" she smirks before grabbing my waist and pulling me onto the kitchen worktops.

I giggle while my legs dangle around Emily. She leans her hands on my thighs and rests her forehead against mine. I take a deep breath, smelling her silky coconut hair. Emily squeezes my thighs before pushing herself away from me and grabbing Emerson's bottle which she just heated up. I grab onto the collar of her hoodie pulling her body back between my legs as I smash my lips into hers, our kiss is short and sweet as Emily places her hand on my shoulders, pushing her lips off mine and shakes Emerson's bottle in front of me

"Our son needs food"

"So do I... and you look very tasty" I smirk, clicking my tongue off my teeth at the last 't' in "tasty"

"As do you. However, our baby boy is more important" she smiles, kissing me

"Moms?" Grace's eyes bulge as she watches us

"Gray" Emily gasps as she helps me onto the floor

"What is it darling?"

"I was going to ask for some pop but it seems like you are busy" she awkwardly whispers, walking backwards away from us

"Wait, here you go" I smile, handing her two cans of coca-cola

"Thanks Mom" Grace sweetly smiles before running bak to her room

"You feed Emerson, I'll check on the girls" Emily smiles, handing me his bottle

Emily's pov

"Hey sweethearts. What are you doing?"

"Playing with our dolls" Lily smiles

"Can I join in? I promise I'm good at playing with dolls"

Lily rolls her eyes at me before handing me a barbie

"So what's the story?"

Alison opens Lily and Grace's door, carrying Emerson in his travel car-seat. She sits the car seat onto the floor and kneels down next to him gently rocking him back and forth

"Can I join in?" She sweetly smiles, picking up a Ken doll

"I never liked the Ken dolls. I pretended to but I was always more interested in Barbie" she giggles

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