Parents night

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Ali's pov

"Mrs DiLaurentis. When is your husband coming? I have other parents to meet"

"I don't have a husband, I have a wife"

"Of course you have a husband. You are a woman and you have children so you must have a husband"

"No. I have a wife. Who I love dearly"

"You can't have children if you have a wife" she demands

"Well you obviously can cause I do" I reply, trying to behave in front of my girls

"Disgusting" the old hag says

"It's not disguised and for your information our ex-stalker got her boyfriend to donate his sperm and then stole my wife's eggs..." I manage to stop myself from further explaining what happened when I see Lily and Grace out the corner of my eye

"So sorry I'm late" Emily apologies, racing into the classroom

"Hey gorgeous" she whispers into my ear

"This is a parents night. Not a biological Mom and fake Mom night. One of you will have to leave" the teacher says

My heart drops and the words 'fake mom' buzzes continuously in my ear. Fake mom is that how people see me?
Will the world ever be free of homophobics?

"Fake?" Emily screams

"Mom please don't" Grace sighs, shaking in her seat

"Oh so the blonde one is your fake Mom. I would've guessed it was the other one"

Lily jumps out her seat and smashes her small hands off the desk

"Lilith sit down right now" the teacher screams

"I don't have a fake Mom. I have two real ones, and my name is not Lilith" she screeches

"Lilith. Sit down or I will have to refer you"

"You know what a referral sound good. Who do I go to to complain about an ugly old bitch?" Emily screams

"Em" I gasp, trying to contain my laughter

"Come on Alison. We are leaving" she grabs my hand and pulls me off the seat

"What's your name?"

"Mine?" The teacher asks

"Yes yours, everyone else in this room is family. You are the only homophobic bitch in this room"

"My name is Mrs Tanner. What is yours?"

"Emily Fields"

"You are the teacher who put disgusting photos in my grandsons locker?"

"No actually that was my wife" Emily tells her

"Wow, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree" Alison laughs

Emily's pov

After the worst parents night ever, we return home and Lily and Grace have a million questions for us

"What does biological mean?"

"It's a complicated thing. It's what makes children and their parents similar"

"So who I our biological Mom?" Grace asks

"It's doesn't matter, all you need to know that we are both your mom"

"How are babies made?" Lily curiously asks

"Fuck" Alison mimes to me

"There are birds called storks who get babies from the clouds and bring them down to their families"

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