Chapter 17

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Thalia's POV

Yesterdays party was sick. Seriously, their were lots of people vomted. Blame Leo for giving them beer. While Percy and Annabeth do there thing upstairs. You know what i mean....Piper and Jason helped Leo clean up beacause our house is a disaster while i watch cartoons here at the living room. We kind of ditch school today cause we were tired and we need to clean the house to be responsible. Kelp head and Annie aren't down yet so i got upstairs to chang, "Thals, wake up Percy and Annabeth will eat breakfast." Piper exclaimed. "K" i replied back. I knocked at Annies door and i saw them sleeping together in there with clothes on so that's a good sign. *wink wink* haha. 

I called Leo to bring a cooking pan and a wooden spoon then we both made a annoying noise so that they would wake up and it did. The two of them were angry at us and Annie ran towards me an Percy ran towards Leo. We all ran at the kitchen were Piper and Jason are cooking, we were laughing all together. It was a good morning for us. "ok settle down, Annabeth will you help in here?" Piper asked. "Sure thine pipes." Annie replied. "Leo and Kelp head! help me arrange the plates." I said. they both nod and they did.

Annabeth's POV

The gang and i ditch the school. Yeah i know i know. Annabeth?! Ditch Schools?! OH NO! THE WORLDS ENDING!! AHHHH!! But seriously, i did. I was so tired yesterday and i just wanted to sleep. So today we are in the theatre room, us girls decided to watch movies, the guys didn't want to but we i mean Piper and I said to Jason and Percy if they won't want to, they won't have kisses. And Thalia threatened Leo that if he won't watch he doesnt get to play x-box for a whole month. And he just agreed to watch. 

Piper picked the movie, she chose NOAH, (A/N: HAHA I KNOW.)  While we were watching i went to the kitchen to grab some pop corn, when i came back they were still watching. Thank gods. Percy and i were at the back Thalia and leo were at the front and Piper and Jason were at the middle. Percy held my thighs, i looked at him but he was focused at the screen, the lights were dimmed so no one can see us that much. He's hands were moving up and down. I escaped a soft moan. That was a wrong move cause Percy kissed me full in the lips. 

"Percy they might hear us." I whispered. "No they won't" He whispered back and he kissed my neck then to my collar bone. I moaned softly again and he kiss me at the lips i bit his lower lip and he licked mine, our tounges were fighting, a put my hands inside his shirt and i traced his well defined abs. He gasped and grabed my butt. I kissed his neck and messed his hair. He then kissed my soft spot then licked my ear. The movie wa almost over so we stopped. I snickered and blushed tomato red and Percy looked at me and kissed my head. The lights opened and the movie was over. 

"Well that was cool." Leo said. "DId you guys liked it?" Asked Piper. Percy and i looked at each other and i know he was grinning. "Yep." popping the P. We all went at the kitchen and ate ice cream. "You heard any news at camp?" Jason asked. "Well i IM'ed Juniper yesterday. She told me that Travis and Katie are dating! And then Chiron was thingking of re-building the camp cause their were lots of new campers." Piper said. "Really? Travis and Katie?!" Thali screamed. Piper nod. "Oh snap! who would have known pranking would pay off." Leo added. We all laughed and we had a ice cream fight our faces were full of ice cream. We laughed at what we did. 

We all jumped at the pool and splashed around percy being son of poseidon he made a huge wave and we all drown. "CHEATER!" i stated. "No i'm not, it's a natural power you know." He said. "Oh really?" Leo said then made a fir ball, Percy blocked it with pool water and the fire was out. We all laughed and goof around. Percy and a air bubble all around us and we all went under the pool. 

It was like we were just teenagers with a normal life. But i spoke too soon. 


hihi cliff hanger. So later i'll post the next chapter. DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN PJO!!


All rights reserve.


Percabeth: Demigods & High School  1 (REVISING) A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now