Chapter 1

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*Warning* There will be strong language and mature themes!

This place is no meadow of dreams.

I like it here. Where ever "here" is. The sky is a clear blue; not a cloud in sight. The air is fresh; no smell of sewage, exhausts or smoke. All I can hear is the birds singing and the breeze swaying the branches of the trees, my new favorite sound. No police sirens; no fighting; no traffic, just complete pea-

"Miss Carter!" Mrs. Matters voice snapped me back to dull reality. Finding myself; not in my meadow of dreams but the dreary, miserable, English classroom. "Having a nice nap were we?"

"We were." Letting out an airy laugh, I tried making myself look as sweet and innocent as I could but Mrs. Matters wasn't falling for it. She never liked me and the feeling is mutual, the way her nose came out and curled down has always reminded me of the wicked witch of the west. She sure acts the part well. Destroying peoples dreams and bring terror where ever she goes.

"How very nice. You can tell me all about it after class."

"But I-." It was too late; she had already gone back to teaching the class, not giving me a chance to protest. I already had detention after school and I needed to change before going to work at the store. Staying after class wouldn't give me the chance to change or I would be late for my shift. Both would land me in hot water with Boss.

Sarah turned around after Mrs. Matters turned her attention away from me. "I'm guessing you haven't heard a thing me and Jade have been saying, have you?" I glanced at the black haired girl beside her, who still kept her gaze forward and continued to copy from the board, as the blonde steered at me with excited eyes. I made a mental note to ask Jade for her notes, before the end of class.

"You guessed correctly. What is it?"

"Well Mikey and his boys were at Lakeside Docks last night," I was already rolling my eyes before she could finish the sentence.

"Why do I need to know what your idiot brother and bunch of stupid friends were doing last night?" As far as interesting topics went I would much rather listen to Mrs. Matters than hear about her brother.

"Didn't you hear me? They were at Lakeside Docks! Maas territory!" She lowered her voice by the last part to keep curious eyes from our direction.

"Okay, let me rephrase; why do I care that your idiot brother and his stupid friends were trying to get themselves killed last night?"

It was a very known fact to the people of Harlem city that Marcus Maas owns a considerable amount of land and big businesses within the city and like all powerful; rich men, not all his money is clean. He dabbles in all sorts, from drugs to illegal arms; it's even been said that he once sold a man's organs on the black market after he caught the man trying to steal his car. Not that I listen to the stupid gossip that goes around Harlem, but I also know it would be stupid to be caught trespassing on his territory.

The only other man to be feared as much as Maas would be Canavan, the other major man at power in this town and he's just as dirty, cruel and power hungry. To say these two don't get along would be a tad of an understatement. I remember the week a fight broke out amongst two men from both sides; it leads to an all-out riot and no one was allowed to leave their houses. The police were advising people to stay inside and as much as it was a pain when we couldn't even go to the shop at least I got the day off school.

"Apparently, a loading ship came into the dock last night with an important shipment and while Maas' men were unloading, they were ambushed by Canavan's men! Bullets were flying, everyone was fighting! Canavan got away with a lot!" Sarah's eyes were shining like she was telling me I'd won the jackpot. I honestly don't understand this city's fascination with these gangsters. Other people in different towns and cities probably get excited about festivals and pageants; other high schoolers probably talk all about who hooked up with who at the latest parties. Not this city. It's all about the gunfire here.

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