Chapter 3.

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Smokey eyes and red satin.

"So what happened last night?"

"What do you mean?" I sounded too defensive; I knew it as soon as the words left my mouth.

"You usually text me back?" Jade was only asking a normal question, so I need to calm down, she doesn't know anything. I'm so paranoid, it's stupid.

"Oh right, I fell asleep." Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Jade knows about my insomnia and that I can't even sleep when I try, but it wasn't a complete lie. I did fall asleep; just 5 hours after she texts me. I should have just said I turned my phone off to study. Gosh, why do these things come to me after I've already said something stupid?

"Right; sure you did, Millie." We were heading in the direction of the canteen for lunch; my stomach was screaming for food and I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into a greasy burger. Jade must have been having similar thoughts because once we entered, she let the issue drop.

In line, I grabbed a tray and loaded it with a mountain of fries, two cheese burgers, and a slice of apple pie (got to love Apple pie Tuesday). Missing breakfast this morning has destroyed my soul a little; how I have survived this long without eating I will never know!

We found Sarah at the usual seats we sit at with her math tutor; I think he's called Greg or it could be Gio. I have chemistry with him I know that. "Hey guys; you two are staying at mine on Saturday. Ben was just inviting us to a party. He's going to give us a ride and everything!" Ben? Huh, close enough. I could tell that the invite was probably, just meant for Sarah, by the disappointed look on Ben's face. He quickly recovered before Sarah's eyes landed back on him and nodded along with everything Sarah said.

"Sounds like a plan!" I was sitting down when I saw Sarah staring disapproving at the food on my tray. "Listen I didn't have breakfast this morning and if I don't start eating in..." I looked at the imaginary watch on my wrist. "2.5 minutes. There a 90% chance I'm going to die. So screw you and your skinny ass!"

"I didn't say anything."

"You didn't have to. I know you judgy eyes." The food in the cafeteria was far from amazing but on a hungry stomach, they could pass for 5*.

Sarah just smirked at me. "No, I was just thinking how I'm going to work you so hard at the gym Wednesday." That brought my mood down. Sarah was a health freak. She counted calories and went to the gym nearly every day. Her Instagram following was massive though and she does make money from it now though so I can understand her obsession. Me and Jade started going with her but we've managed to only go once a week now. Well, Jade actually goes to mixed martial arts and kickboxing during the week as well.

I envy Jade so much sometimes; she's not only beautiful; smart but also a bad ass. She makes it all look effortless! No one's perfect though and all of us have our own battles we're fighting. When I first met Jade when we were 12 she was this frail little girl. She wouldn't speak to anyone and flinched at every little sound. Turned out her step father was abusing her. She and her mom had to run away from New Havana to get away from him. It took years of therapy for her to open and for her to finally be herself. Jade is still quiet and she doesn't know but I still see her looking over her shoulder constantly, but it's who she is now.

The rest of the week went normally. I managed to stay awake during English. Boss had a few questions when I got to work, but I managed to keep the peace with him. Sarah kept her promise and destroyed me at the gym Wednesday. So much so I was still hurting on Saturday.

Sarah's room looked like a hurricane had swept through it. With a number of clothes on the bed, I'd be surprised if there were clothes left in her walk in wardrobe. She was currently playing dress up with jade and I knew it would soon be my turn. She had chosen a white jumpsuit that neckline plunged down and stopped just above her belly button. Her hair was up in a high pony tail; her eyes dark and smoky; her lips painted red. She looked stunning. We had all decided on a dark smoky eye. I was just applying a nude lipstick when Sarah hung a red satin dress above me. "Are you sure? That looks incredibly short for me?"

"Your legs are killer, Mil! It's perfect!" It wasn't just short but was also a plunging neckline with spaghetti straps. I'm not insecure, but I defiantly don't like attracting the wrong type of attention. Sarah wouldn't take no for an answer though. The dress was gorgeous. The top was fitted and the bottom flared out just a little. I kept my blonde hair down and wavy to add some cover to my shoulders.

Sarah went for a black high neck number for herself, making her platinum blonde hair glow. I was the palest person I knew until I met Sarah; but where I was more pinky pale, she was prosocline.

We were busy taking pictures when Gary messaged, saying he was pulling up outside. Danny Baylor and managed to hire out a club down town for his 19th; but if anyone was to ask it was his 21st. I took a guess in assuming that maybe money was exchanged for a few turned heads.

"Hey, Gary. Thanks for the ride!" I had to be careful getting into the back of his car. One wrong move and sweet poor Gary will get an eyeful of pink cotton underwear.

"It's Ben, and you're welcome." Oops.

"Yeah, Ben; that's what I said. What did you hear?" Jade was giggling and I could imagine Sarah was the same in the front. Ben just went back to driving and focusing on the road and not on Sarah, but I could tell he was struggling. The drive was short, and I was thirsty, so the first thing we did was head straight to the bar. There were two big guys standing at the doors as we came in but they were obviously just there for show because they weren't asking anyone for their ID.

The music was too loud to really hold a conversation so when we got our drinks and sat down, the three of us just people watched. I only really recognized a few faces from school, but not many. After our second drinks, we were up dancing. Feeling the buzz of liquor in my blood helped a lot. Soon Sarah got swept away by Ben. I and Jade decided we needed fresh air. Feeling the wind hit my face sobered me up a little. I lost count a while ago how many drinks I had. Every time I finished one Sarah would be there with another.

"I really have to go pee!" Jade announced.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, I'll be okay. You look like you need the air. I'll only be a minute. Stay here." With that jade headed back inside the club leaving me on my own.

"Millie!" Just my luck. Not even a minute on my own and the weirdos come.

"What are you doing here Mikey? You don't even go to school anymore."

"Just doing some business." The platinum blonde boy shrugged his shoulders, rubbing his hands together. I noticed he wasn't really looking at my face. In fact, his eyes never actually got above my shoulders.

"Business? I don't think selling drugs to high schoolers is a business." Ignoring what I said, he took a step forward entering the bubble that I call my personal space.

"So I think me and you have some unfinished business." Mikey had the nerve to reach up and twirl a piece of my hair around his finger. By pure instinct, my hand came up and pushed him away.

"No Mikey! What we have if finished. It ended before it really began. Please get that through your thick skull!" He wasn't listening to me and I was so done with this conversation. Spinning on my heels, my plan was to head back into the club but before I could take a step forward Mikey grabbed hold of my arm tight and started dragging me away from the club.

"What do you think you're doing!"

"We're going somewhere private, to talk." It was only now that I realized five of Mikey's friends were following behind us. My heels were making it difficult to resist Mikey's pull. We end up across the street from the club down an alley hidden away from everyone. Mikey had told three of his goons to stand at the opening of the alley and make sure no one disturbed him. I wasn't worried Mikey might act like a bruit but I've seen his 5"4 sister pin him down and make him cry!

"If you don't let me go back to the club in 0.5 seconds things are going to get ugly." He just chuckled to his friends behind him, but it was too late. My leg found itself landing in a place that the sun does not shine! Mikey falling to the ground gave me the chance to do the only thing I could do.

I ran!


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