Chapter 11

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I woke to the aroma of coffee and eggs,but even with that I found it hard to pull myself out of the best sleep I've had in years. Soft sheets wrapped my body in a warm cocoon, I never wanted to break free of.

A thrill of excitement shot through me when I realized where I was. As I sat up the main cause of excitement was within eyesight. Oh how I loved glass walls. Silas stood over the cooker, cooking what I could smell to be scrambled eggs and bacon! His eyes then lifted to meet mine, and a smile grew on his face. How I dreaded what I must look like. Running to the bathroom, my fears were met with the sight of my matted bird nest of hair and puffy eyes of goo. Splashing my face with cold water, I found a comb to run through my hair but nothing would help with the mess that was I. Vanity aside I went out to face him.

Dressed in a white t shirt and low riding jeans, was there anything Silas didn't look good in? “Good morning!” I smiled. The same mug I had last night was sat empty on the side. There was a black outline of a dog on a white background, I noticed Silas had one but his was the opposite with a white outline and black background. It made me think of how he called me “Puppy". I took the pot of coffee and began to pour myself a cup.

“How are your feet?” He said not even glancing in my direction. No good morning then? Taking a quick glance down at them I saw there were still a few small sores but mostly healed.

“They're fine. How did you sleep?” I asked.

“Fine. You?” Still not a look from him.

“Like the dead, I've never been so comfortable.” A stretch took over me at the thought of his bed. Silas began serving the bacon and eggs up.

“You shouldn't get used to it.” Lifting myself up onto the side, Silas handed me a plate of delicious looking food. My chest tightened at the thought of Silas not wanting me here.

“It's a little bit late for that now Silas.” He finally looked at me when his name left my lips. “Have you never heard of the rule of three?” He looked cute confused. “Meet someone once, it's a chance encounter. Twice is pure coincidence but three times? Three times means our paths are crossed weather you like it or not. There's no getting rid of me!” The deep laugh that escaped him made goosebumps rise along my arms.

“Who's been feeding you these fantasies?” he ruffled my hair like a little kid.

“I always thought it was romantic!”

“Hate to break it to you, Puppy, but romance with me is impossible.” He was so close to me, he was practically standing between my legs.

“You really shouldn't say things like that Silas. You make it sound like a challenge,” Breakfast aside, I hooked my fingers between his belt hoops, and pulled him further into me. “and I love a challenge.” I let my finger brush gently against his exposed skin above his and traced with my eyes the bobbing motion of his Adam's apple. Taking in the tiny details I could only notice this close to him. I could tell he hadn't shaved yet today and he hadn't styled his hair yet to hide the pink scar he’d gained the first night we met. My hand came up and he let my fingertips trace over the healing scar.

As if snapping out of a trance he turned away from me, busying himself with now empty plates. “You have school soon, right? Do you need dropping home first?” Sighing to myself I jumped down and went to put my shoes on. He just sees me as a child! What is he a babysitter? I'm not his responsibility. A part of me wanted to act like a child; storm out; throw a tantrum and expect him to chase me down. Another part of me needs to prove him wrong show him I'm not a child, but a woman.

Silas didn't call for anyone this time. The car was out front and he stopped to open the passenger door for me, before getting into the driver's side. Who ever said gangsters aren't gentlemen? The drive to mine was far too short and silent, mostly because I was busy trying to think up ways of seeing him again.

From the outside of my house, everything looked normal just as it did the last time he had dropped me home. “Will you wait and drive me to school?” Anything to prolong saying goodbye. He just nodded as a reply.

Feeling giddy I rushed from the car. Too consumed with thoughts of last night with Silas, and just Silas in general I hadn't thought about what had happened which lead me to him.

Stepping inside the house, a feeling of dread swam through me. Broken glass littered the floor, the couch was flipped and the TV lay smashed. To say it looked as though a hurricane had been through would be an understatement. Pictures that were once hung on the wall were now scattered and broken all around me. In the kitchen there wasn't a cupboard or draw not open, their content laid on the floor broken, a sharp knife was actually embedded in the wall. I called out to my mom and brother but silence was all that replied. On further inspection I found both my moms and brothers beds empty. Hurrying through to my own room, I changed and grabbed my school bag and phone, sending a text to both of them asking if they were alright as I made my way back to the car.

“Is everything alright?” I must have been frowning down at my phone, as Silas snapped me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, everything’s fine.” I’d be lying if I said it was the first time I had walked into the house and it was that bad, but it wasn't. At one point it was almost weekly, but it had been so long that seeing it that bad saddened me. I must not had been very convincing to Silas because instead of starting the car and taking me to school like I wanted him to; he got out the car a started heading over to my house!

“No Silas, please!” I would be humiliated if he saw my house, I would be embarrassed on a normal day, given I’ve seen his home, but he could NOT see it in this state. “Please Silas, don't!” I grabbed his arm stopping him just outside the overgrown garden. “Just leave it okay? Please take me to school.” The look on my face or the desperation in my voice must have got through to him because instead of shaking me off and charging into my house, he released a long sigh and headed back to the car. The relief was almost overwhelming, I managed to keep my emotions in check until I got to school.

Saying goodbye to Silas was just one more emotion I had to hold in. He didn't say a word to me while he drove, part of me was glad he wasn't asking questions, but another longed to hear his voice because in the silence I was left with my own thoughts and the longer it lasted the darker they got. I didn't know how much longer I could hold it all in. I didn't linger when we pulled up, I didn't even stop to have one last look at him, tears were starting to fall. Rushing a goodbye I barely finished the word before shutting the door and running into school.

I must have been late, the halls were empty as I ran through them, towards the bathrooms. I found myself sat inside a cubicle with tears streaming from my eyes. Maybe it was the whole range of emotions I've been through since waking up, from the excitement I felt waking up to Silas, the uneasiness of not knowing weather my mom and Ollie are ok or not, or the utter sadness of seeing my home wrecked. Most of all my longing for Silas, which ruled over them all. I don't know when it had happened, the first night we met? The second? All I knew was I needed him, all I wanted right now was for him to hold me and tell me everything would be all right. I didn't even know if I would see him again.

I don't know how long I sat there for but the bell for second period rang through the halls and I knew I couldn't sit here all day. Going over to the sink I splashed my face with cold water to try and rid myself of the horrible red blotches that have formed from crying. Not even three hours since I woke up and already I felt utterly exhausted.

I've just had a moment, I wanted to post a pic or gif of Silas, but I've completely forgot the models name 😂😂😭
Anywho you'll have to survive with this fabulous gif of Sabrina!!

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