Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.

We didn't walk for very long. He took us inside a tall apartment complex I always looked up at walking past on the way to the store, it was on of the tallest buildings this side of the city. I never imagined setting foot inside a place like this but here I was, pajamas and rain coat walking next to Silas. The door man avoided looking at Silas but was blatant with his stare at me. That was until silas pushed the wet umbrella into his chest and he diverted his steer to the floor.

As we approach the elevator I notice a man in his late thirties, early forties, with dark salt and pepper hair, also waiting for the elevator. He was dressed formal, a black suit and bow tie. On his arm was a much younger women dressed just as fancy in a red ball gown that dropped to the floor in waves. Her dark hair was swept to the side as they took it in turns whispering in eachother's ears, giggling like school children.

My shoes were squeaking along the floor; on the last step I planned to take to be next to the couple; the floor moved under me.

I never thought myself unfortunate or clumsy but when bad things keep happening to you; you can't help but question what horrible things you've done in a past life to deserve this?

I landed awkward on my hip, not to mention the tough leather of the man's shoes are not a comfortable bed for my ribs. I didn't dare to look at Silas, before I went down I did see him attempt to reach out to me but it was already too late. I did choose to look up at the gentleman I was lying on, only to see him looking down at me with a disgusted look on his face.

“I-I’m" Trying through my embarrassment to apologize to him, he just kicked me off him. The pointed end of his shoe hit between my ribs and I couldn't hold the yelp of pain that escaped me.

“Seriously bitch! Do you know how much these are worth?” He spit down at me.

“Obviously not dear, have you actually seen her?” The woman's voice was monotone; bored. Neither had noticed Silas yet. The man was about to move towards me but Silas stepped in front of me and helped me to my feet. His touch was gentle and sent a ripple of heat along my skin. I couldn't look him in the eyes.

His back was to the couple. “Excuse me!” The man's voice took an unattractive high note. Silas ignored him and pushed me forward towards the elevator which had just arrived. My eyes were still on the man, as he took steps towards Silas. As if watching through my eyes Silas turned at the last moment before the man could grab onto his arm. The man stood frozen under Sias’ gaze, one arm outstretched, hunched over, a look of panic across his face. I couldn't help it, a laugh escaped me as I thought of an old playground game I used to play. The man pulled back so fast he stumbled back a few steps bumping into the woman. “M-Maas!” The man was now shaking in fear. Silas smirked.“Markham, wasn't it?” The doors to the elevator closed before the man, Markham could respond.

My brother calls me an adrenaline junkie; as a kid I used to start fights with the biggest kids, twice my age. Have you ever heard of the game chicken? You lay on the road or train tracks and wait for a car or train to come, the last one to get up run out the way wins. I always won.

A few years ago Ollie took me climbing a few miles outside the city. The tallest mountain is known as “The Devil’s Peak”; of course I wanted to climb to the top. Ollie only made it about halfway, he warned me not to go up on my own. You see there's a legend attached to the peak. If you reach the top, you will meet the devil there, and he has to grant you a wish. Now I don't believe in fairy tales, but I do like proving them wrong. I made it to the top. I remember this breathtaking view of mountains going on for miles. Face another way and you could make out the factories of the city; I turned away from that.

I felt a warm breath on my neck and the faintest whisper of my name. Turning quickly I lost my footing and started falling backwards. There was no one behind me as I fell. I remember reaching out to nothing, trying to grab onto air in a useless attempt at not falling. I was rolling down hill and at some point hit my head on a rock. Its took mountain rescue three hours to get to me. When I woke up in hospital Ollie was by my side, he tried making me promise not to do that again, but I couldn't. I knew as soon as I was healed I'd be out there again.

I loved the feeling of being scared. I realized, when I saw the look on that man face why a followed Silas. He was a devil to grant my wish, he scared me, and I loved it.


As if it's been a month since I last updated! I'm terrible.

Can we just talk stranger things 2 though! It was amazing!

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