Chapter 5.

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After Sam bandaged up my feet, he brought through a pair of woman’s slippers. I was going to ask why he has a pair but then I realised I should just be thankful; so I thanked Sam and left it at that. I got the feeling I’m not the only non animal Sam’s bandaged up before, and it wouldn't surprise me if it had a whole lot to do with the Maas company. Maybe Silas came here after leaving the store? Sam gave me a bottle of pills for the pain but I wondered weather they we're for animals or not.

Jonas was outside waiting for us; I gave him my address as Silas helped me slip into the back. The drive felt longer than it really was; it could’ve had something to do with Silas staying silent and focused on his phone screen. I took this opportunity to steer at him; trying to look for the scar on his head but the way his hair was styled made it hard to see.

Pulling up next to my house I was once again embarrassed with myself. I called my house a flat, just because it’s only a one floor layout like a flat; I also didn’t know how to say bungalow at 7 when we moved here; it was also the smallest house on the block. The small garden out front was over grown with a variety of different plants from that one time I was destined to be a professional gardener. That hobby lasted a whole of two weeks.

 Removing his Jacket I placed it in the middle of us looking at him; I missed the warmth and smell as soon as it left my shoulders.  “Goodbye Silas. Thank you for tonight.” Jonas opened my door for me as Silas finally looked over. I thought he was about to say something but choose against it; in the end he just nodded at me and focused back down at his phone, I took this as my cue to leave.

I found the spear key inside the hanging basket of dead flowers hung up by the door. Silas didn’t drive away until he saw me enter the house. I didn’t know what time it was but the TV was still on in the living room and I found Ollie watching some action film, surrounded by energy drink cans and junk food. He was too engrossed in the film to even look at me. “I thought you were staying at Sarah’s?”

“Guess I just feel like sleeping in my own bed.”

“Fair enough; Guardians of the galaxy is on next want to watch it with me?” Ollie was by far the best brother in the world. If you looked at us, we were polar opposites. With his dark hair and dark eyes; mum says he takes after his dad, where I get my eyes from my dad and blonde hair from our mum.

“Sure, start it without me though. I’m going to shower and change.” Using plastic bags to cover the bandages on my feet; I stripped out of the red dress and made a mental note to take it to the dry cleaners tomorrow. The hot water felt amazing running over my skin. The past couple hours ran through my mind. I decided then that Silas Maas was a sickness and I had a fever. I know I’ll probably never see him again but a small part of me hoped he was wrong and our paths would cross in the near future.

Stepping out of the shower and putting on some Harry Potter pyjamas; I grabbed a blanket and pillow and headed out to join Ollie. A fresh bowel of popcorn welcomed me and the movie was paused ready to play at my return.

“I told you to start it.”

“Had things to sort out anyway.” He just shrugged his shoulders. “What happened to your feet?” Eyeing the bandages a look of worry crossed his features.

“Oh heels we're killing me so I took them off. I must have been really drunk because I walked over some glass.” I usually tell Ollie everything but he really doesn't need to know about Mikey and Silas. Call me overprotective but I don't want Ollie knowing too much about the gangs. He's not stupid he knows what goes on in this city, but I just wanted him sheltered from it all. “Hey can I borrow your phone?”

“Sure.” I typed up a quick message and sent it to both Sarah and Jade, basically just telling them I'm home safe and not to worry; I'd come pick my stuff up monday. I then sent a message to Boss telling him I'd hurt myself and need tomorrow off. I'd let him know about monday.

I don't know how far into the movie it was untill I fell asleep but then next thing I know was mom came through at 9 telling us to “wake up and tidy up” she then left the house in a hurry. Seeing my mother so early in the morning was a big enough shock to fully wake me. Usually she never ventured out her room before​ mid day! Ollie didn't actually wake through the whole exchange, so I kicked my leg out into his side, which was immediately followed with regret! I took deep breaths untill the pain subsided in my feet.

Staying on my feet today was a challenge so I spent most the day either in bed or on the sofa watching episodes of House or reading medical journals online. Yes! That is how exciting my life is!

Sarah and Jade came round after noon to integrate me over last nights events. Neither of them looked to be handling a hangover well, but kept the self-pitty to a minimum. ‘ We can't really moan about a headache when you can't walk.’ As Jade put it. Not that she’s completely okay with me leaving her last night.

“I haven't broken my legs! I'll be good as new in a day or two.” Sarah didn't look convinced. Apparently she'd run into Mikey after I had disappears and he was “pissed"! I didn't want to tell them everything. Well anything to do with Silas, so I just kept telling them I didn't want to deal with a drunk Mikey so I got out of there.

I don't know when lying became a second nature, maybe because I've always had to keep secrets from a young age. I mean I wasn't technically lying to them, just keeping the whole truth. I do feel bad, especially since they were both open and honest about their issues with me. I just know they have their own problems to deal with, they don't need mine as well.


I've decided I hate filler chapters! They take so long to write!! I just want to get to the good stuff!

I should update the next chapter quicker!

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