Chapter 6.

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After everything my insomnia was being nice for once. Well if you classed 1am as an early night like myself. My eyes felt heavy and I was almost in dream land before a crash from the living room woke me up! Within moments Ollie came rushing through looking frantic. His hair styled in classic bed head fashion and sporting just boxers! “You need to get out now! Whiskey Tango!” He headed straight to my window and threw it open wide enough for me to fit through!

“Whiskey Tango” was a code word we came up with for every time our mum brought people back from the cheap bar she “works" at, which became far too often. Me and Ollie found out soon enough we shouldn't hang around for these parties. One of us always ends up hurt! Ollie seemed more frantic than usual, I could see the slight tremor in his hands.

“Who is it, Ollie?” When he saw me eyeing his hand he clenched it into a fist to stop the shaking. Trying to mask his panic.

“There's about seven guys out there.” He avoided looking into my eyes. I could hear the commotion coming from the living room that could've told me there was at least seven of them. That wasn't what I asked.

“Who Ollie?” My voice was harsh and I felt bad for pressing him, but I knew who it was and my anger was increasing fast. I needed him to say his name!

“Johnny.” his voice was quiet I could have missed the name but I was expecting it, so I heard crystal clear!

“That bitch! She promised!” I started towards the door not caring who was out there! I was too mad to care if anything happened to me. I needed to scream at her! I didn't get far before Ollie wrapped me in his arms and placed me down outside the window! “Ollie!”

“Go! Stay at Jade’s or something!” He threw my waterproof jacket at me and began closing the window.

“Wait! What about you? You're not staying!”

“Where’s that no good, piece of crap son of mine!” The voice boomed through the house as if he was using a mega phone, but that was just how Johnny’s obnoxious voice was!

I wanted to climb back through the window and stay with Ollie but I knew he'd never let that happen. “Please Milan, go! I'll get out of here as soon as I can, I promise!”

Growing up we learnt not both of us can play the hero at the same time. We'd both end up getting hurt! So we took it in turns taking the hits. We did argue at first; I'd say I was older, he'd say he was taller! In the end we we're both too stubborn to let the other get hurt!

Mum had a lot of “friends", but Johnny was the worst. I could list all the bad things he's done, or tried to do, but we would be here for a while! Mum would snap sometimes and kick him to the curb or he'd just disappear, but he always manage to work his way back! It’s been three months, and mum had promised us she wouldn't let him back in again. I really thought she had meant it!  

Ollie locked the window and I watched him walk out of my room. I was left standing there in converse, red and white pajama shorts and an old coca cola t shirt, clutching onto my see through coat. Lightning struck above me shortly followed by thunder.

With no phone to call anyone, I headed towards the only place I knew would be open at this time. Hopefully boss will have found cover for me, because if not I don't know where I'll end up………

My feet hurt!


I didn't expect to finish writing this chapter today. I started writing and realised it was gonna get long! So splitting it up.

Next chapter will be uploaded soon hopefully!!

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