Chapter 10

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Walking over to Tony’s office quietly, Jade strained her ears only making out a few words. “Old times" “Family” “Honour" “Death"! At that word Jade opened the door staring in at the strangers now staring back at her.

“You ok Tony?” She only focused on him and not the burning gazes from the others.

“I'm fine Jade.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s late, you should go home. Your mom will be worried.” Jade still felt uneasy about the whole situation, but she trusted Tony. Nodding to him she shut the door to his office and began gathering her things from where she was training. She soon realises she must have left her hoodie on the sub! Heavy rain was still falling outside and loud thunder in the distance told her it wasn't going to lighten up any time soon.

Standing in the doorway watching the rain fall soothed her mind, even though Tony told her to go she wasn't leaving until she saw tony safe and unharmed and the strangers gone. A loud chorus of laughter caused her to snap out the trance the rain had put her in. The laughter got louder and soon enough the men came running out into the rain, a few bumping into her.

“Damn,Tony got himself one fine piece, there!” A guy had a buzz said to two others. “Hey baby! You ever want a younger man, you look me up!” One guy with a bun laughed but ultimately pulled buzz cut away. Her heart was racing and palms were sweating and even though she'd spent hours already doing it she had the urge to spend another hour on the punching bag. Turning to go back in she stopped short realising the tall blonde stood watching her. Lowering his head a little his blue eye's held her brown.

“Don't look so scared kitten. We don't bite to hard.” He leaned into her and made a biting motion which made jade take a step back into the wall behind her. His grin grew wide into a Cheshire cat smile and her wide eyed gaze.

“Lucas! Leave her alone!” Tony stood behind them giving Lucas a disapproving look. Lucas took a step away from her and shrugged off his jacket, throwing it onto her head. Temporarily blinded by the warm fabric, when she finally set her eyes back on him, it was the back on his dirty blonde hair quickly turning brown by the downpour as he made his way to a car across the lot.

“Don't take any notice of my no good nephew.” Only at the mention did it become so obvious to Jade. The resemblance was uncanny, even though Tony was mostly grey, his blonde shone through. The blue green eyes Jade loved so much, since they were the furthest from resembling a certain someone. “Come on, I'll drive you home.” Goosebumps were covering her arms as she slid Lucas’ jacket on, she found he smelled like cinnamon.


I must have been in heaven, I never wanted to leave this bath. It must have been at least an hour since I got in, but the water was still warm. A knock came from the door. “Milan? You've not fallen asleep and drown have you?” Feeling a little mischievous I didn't say anything. “Milan?” his voice got deeper, more demanding. The door handle started turning,  but I had locked it, so he wasn't getting in. “God damn it!” A small laugh escaped her.

“I'll be out in a minute!” I called though to him. Forcing myself out of the now lukewarm water, I was pleased to find my pajamas were saved from the rain by my coat. I

Slipping into them I began to towel dry my hair.

The steam in the room was starting to make me feel sticky, heading over to the window I crack it open a little bit. Down below I had a view of the  front of the complex. There were people out there; it was the red dress that made me pause to watch. There were two big men in suites, stopping a man and a woman from entering the building; the same man and women from the elevator! Unable to hear anything from this height didn't really matter, I could just imagine the words ‘I demand to be let back in at once!’ falling from his lips. The woman was just stood sobbing off to the side.

Another employee came out with all their bags and threw them on the ground, some bags fell open and the downpour soaked the content. I never thought myself a bad person, but does it make me a bad person if I was enjoying watching them?

Silas was leaning on the wall across from me when I opened the bathroom door. He had a scowl attached to his handsome face. “What's up?” I gave him an innocent smile. Without saying a word he stalked away into the main living room. Silas’ home suited him to a T. Everything was modern, and dark, but a fire built into a dividing wall cast a warm glow.

“Is that your bedroom?”  I was shocked! I'd never seen anything like it. Two walls of glass separated a bed, the third wall was the window that gave a beautiful view of the city beyond and the fourth, at the head of the bed a wall of books.

“Yeah, I don't like feeling closed in. No one can sneak in my home without me knowing.” Paranoid much? I didn't  say anything though. He carried on to the open kitchen where I saw two steaming cups of brown liquid.

“Hot chocolate?” I loved hot chocolate almost as much as I loved coffee, but then coffee was an addiction. Some days I only ran on coffee. Hot chocolate was a pure pleasure I loved.

“You can stay in my bed, I'll take the couch.” He told me.

“That not necessary. I'll take the couch.” I tried.

“It's not up for discussion.” He deadpanned.


I always struggle ending a chapter. I can never work out when to stop.

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