Chapter 12.

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“I’ve messaged her like fifteen times since last night, not a word from her then and now I had to take my own notes in lit! Where could she be?” Sarah could feel herself getting worked up and began using the worn copy Lolita as a mediocre fan.

“She hasn’t replied to me either, so don’t take it so personally.  I hope she’s ok.” Jade kept scanning the crowds of students around them hoping that any minute Milan would appear among them. The more she looked the more nervous she grew and began seeing eyes staring back at her. Pulling the soft material of the jacket around her, she began feeling bad about wearing someone else’s jacket without their knowledge, but it was starting to feel like a safety jacket.

“Hey, bitch, how nice of you to finally join us on this nice day.” Even after all her scanning and searching it was Sarah who spotted Milan making her way towards them and her locker. “Wait. Have you been crying?” Sarah’s bitchy attitude suddenly took a 180; she was now concerned at the sight of Milan’s red, puffy eye’s and blotchy skin.

Jade lay a hand on Milan’s back in a comforting motion. “What happened?” Jade asked. Milan released a long, shaken sigh as she began pulling books out for her next lessons.

“Mom brought Johnny round last night.” She said in a quiet almost broken voice.

“What the Hell!” Sarah shouted causing Milan to jump and people nearby to stop and stair. She couldn’t help the outburst though; she hated that man and what he put Milan and her family through every time he came around.  “What did he do to you?” Already she was running through her head all the criminal minds episodes she’s ever watched and concocting a perfect way to dispose of the body. She’s heard pigs are a foolproof way to do it and she knows a guy who knows a guy with a farm.

“He didn't do anything. I got out of there pretty fast, but my place is wrecked and I don’t know where my mom and Ollie are.”

“Well I saw your brother this morning, so you don’t have to worry about him.” Jade’s word sent a look of relief over Milan. “He didn’t look hurt either.” She said as if predicting what Milan was about to ask next.

“Where did you end up staying last night?” Sarah asks curiously. The bell rang and instead of answering the question Milan said she would see them both at lunch.

When lunch finally rolled around Milan decided to use it to catch up on lit that she missed. “Maybe she slept on the streets and doesn’t want us knowing about it.” It’s the only reason Sarah could come up with that made sense as to why Milan was avoiding them like the plague. “I mean I know my brother is an ass but would she really rather sleep on the streets than come to mine?”

“We don’t know what happened but she obviously doesn’t want to talk about it. We should just be here for her when she does want to talk.”

Sarah threw an arm around her standing almost a head taller than her in her wedged shoes. “Why are you such a good person Jade? It’s like you have two angels on your shoulders instead of one.”

“Maybe my devil swapped with your angle.” Sarah faked a gasp of shock, placing a hand over heart, acting hurt.

“Miss Winwrite; what are you trying to say.” Jade chuckled at her overdone acting, before Sarah went back to normal saying, “You know that’s cute; you thinking I ever had an angel, to begin with.”

Making their way through the groups of students to their usual spot in the cafeteria, Sarah took out two trays of sushi that was prepared fresh that morning. “What am I supposed to do with this now?” Sushi was Milan’s favourite and whenever Chef Walker makes any up for Sarah she makes sure he makes extra for Mil’s, Jade, on the other hand, cannot stand any form of fish. Sarah sent a photo of the sushi and sent it to Milan. ‘I promise not to ask any questions, so please don’t make me waist fresh sushi!’

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