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Scotts pov
"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... Comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state" Deaton said.

"Like being hypnotized." Isaac added.

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind." Deaton explained.

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" I asked

"Very slow. Nearly dead."

"It's safe, though, right?" Isaac asked.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton questions

"No. No, not really." Isaac commented

"Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this." Derek assured. Isaac pulled his shirt off and got in the tub full of ice water.

"Get him back under. Hold him." Deaton ordered as Isaac raged around the tub.

"Now, remember, only I talk to him. Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out. Isaac? Can you hear me?" Deaton asked.

"Yes. I can hear you."

"This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that all right?"


"I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd. I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again."

"I, I don't wanna do that. I don't... I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that." Isaac stuttered scared.

"it's all right. Just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory."

"I don't wanna do that."

"It's all right."

"I don't wanna do that." Isaac freaked.

"Relax. Relax. Good. Now let's go back to that night. To the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?"

"It's not... it's not a house. It's stone. I think marble."

"That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?"

"It's dusty, so empty. Like an abandoned building? Someone's here. Someone's here."

"Isaac, relax. Isaac"

"No, no, no, they see me, they see me!"

"Just memories. You won't be hurt by your memories. Just relax. Relax. Good. Now tell us what you see. Tell us everything."

"I hear him. He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

"Is he talking to Erica?"

"I think so, I can't... I can't see her, I ca... I can't... I can't see either of them."

"Can you hear anything else?"

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