Anywhere but here

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Maisy's pov
"Thanks, today was fun. And I never thought I'd say that about bowling and nachos, but beating your ass in pinball made it totally fun." I said smiling as we walked up to my front porch.

"Well I beat your ass in bowling and everything else so..."

"Asshole" I laughed playfully hitting his shoulder, causing him to laugh.

"You know it's not fair, we need to find something that you can't use your werewolf-y powers to cheat"

"I didn't cheat" Aiden gasped faking hurt.

"Sure you didn't" I said sarcastically.

"I had fun to. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that. Bye Aiden" I agreed kissing his cheek and walking inside my house.

"Bye" I heard him say before I closed the door and leaned against it with a smile on my face.

"Wipe that smile off your face. Your in big trouble, little miss" My mum said watching from the couch.

"Was that the boy that got you in trouble?" Mum asked.

"Mum it's not his fault."

"So, that was a different boy, than?"

"No, but-"

"You're not allowed to see him anymore. He's obviously a bad influence and Scott tells me he's dangerous"

"It's Scotts fault I'm in trouble mum" I spoke raising my voice a little.

"Don't you raise your voice at me. You're not allowed to see him. End of story"

"You can't do that. You don't even know what happened"

"The school told me that you got suspended and it's because of that boy. YOU CANT SEE HIM ANYMORE. Am I clear?"

"Crystal" I stormed up to my room, slamming my door.

Stiles's pov
"All these symbols and things... the triskeles, the bank logo, the Mountain ash... all of it is from the Celtic druids. And anyone who has ever looked up human sacrifice before knows that the druids had a pretty big hard-on when it came to giving one up to the gods. You ever hear of the lindow man? 2,000-year-old body found in England? He was found strangled, head bashed in, throat cut. Threefold death. They also found pollen grains in his stomach. Guess what favorite druid plant that was." I said

"Mistletoe." Deaton guessed

"I'm just telling you everything you already know, aren't I? Then why aren't you telling us?"

"Maybe because we've spent every moment of the last ten years trying to push something away. Denying it. Lying about it. Becomes a pretty powerful habit."

"All right, so this guy... is he a druid?"

"No. It's someone copying a centuries-old practice of a people who should have known better. Do you know what the word "druid" means in Gaelic?" Deaton asked me


"Wise oak. The Celtic druids were close to nature. They believed they kept it in balance. They were philosophers and scholars. They weren't serial killers."

"Yeah, well, this one is. Hey, doc, any help would be, you know, helpful." I said.

"Each grouping of three would have its own purpose, its own type of power. Virgins, healers, philosophers, warriors..."

"wait, wait, wait, wait. Warrior, could that also be like a soldier?"


"Kyle was in R.O.T.C. with Boyd. That's got to be it. That's the pattern."

Scotts pov
"Yeah, I wish I could have seen their faces. They look seriously pissed?" Isaac asked me

"Yeah. Kind of like that." I agreed when we rounded the corner and saw the twins.

"We can take them" Isaac says as they start to form one big alpha.

"Are you kidding?" I groaned grabbing Isaac as we started to run, but the twins caught us and threw us to the ground before they could cause anymore damage a blind man come to our rescue in a way. The twins separate and he cuts their cheeks. They follow behind him as he leaves.

"Who the hell is that?" Isaac asked


Stiles's pov
"Stiles, you remember I told you "druid" is the Gaelic word for "wise oak"?" Deaton asked me


"If a druid went down the wrong path, the wise oak was sometimes said to have become a dark oak. There's a Gaelic word for that as well... Darach."

Isaacs pov
"It's just not gonna work with both of you here. I've got Cora now. It's too much. I need you out tonight." Derek said handing me my stuff

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Somewhere else."

"Did I do something wrong, Derek?"

"You're doing something wrong right now by not leaving. Just get out."

"Derek, please."

"Get out. Isaac"

"Come on."

"Go!" Derek said throwing glass at me.

Scotts pov
"I got it, mum" I said as the doorbell rang. I opened it and saw Isaac.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a favor."

"What happened?" I asked inviting Isaac inside, noticing his wet clothes and the bag in his hand.

"Derek kicked me out."

"Follow me" I ordered as we walked to the kitchen where mum and Maisy were eating. Maisy having on the biggest bitch face I've ever seen on her face. Mum still hasn't told me what happened that made Maisy so angry, but I'm kinda afraid to ask.

"Mum can Isaac stay here a while, Derek kicked him out" I asked.

"Of course he can. Have you eaten yet Isaac?" Mum asked him.


"I'll make you a plate"

"Are you serious?" Maisy asked obviously angry.

"Very" mum responded to her.

"I'm so done" Maisy said putting her plate in the sink, running up to her room and slamming to door so hard I thought it was going to come off the hinges.

"I didn't mean to make her mad" Isaac admits.

"It's not you. She just mad because I told her she couldn't see Aiden anymore"

"You forbid her from seeing Aiden?" I asked

"Like you said Scott he's dangerous. She has no idea what she's getting herself into with him" Mum spoke as Maisy ran down the stairs with a bag.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mum asked Maisy as she headed for the door.

"Anywhere but here. You're punishing me for something I didn't even do and letting the person who got me in trouble live with us. I get it though, whatever the hell Scott wants, right? Don't worry about Maisy, leave her in the dark with the monsters" Maisy yelled leaving the house.

Maisy's pov
"You were right. They don't trust me. Can I stay with you for a while?" I asked though the phone hoping that I would get a yes.

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