Hunting Miss Blake

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Peters pov
"I've heard it's something only an Alpha can do, and with good reason. You know normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack. They care for it. They bring it food from a kill and then regurgitate it into the mouth of the injured wolf. They even give it physical and emotional comfort by intensely grooming it. In a way, they can do more than just ease pain. They can be instrumental in healing their own." I said
"If you're trying to tell me I can save her, just tell me." Derek said
" I'm telling you... I've heard it's possible."
"It's that spark of power that makes you an Alpha. When you take her pain, she draws on the power that provides you with those special gifts. The power that heightens your senses, your strength. The power that transforms your body. As an Alpha, you have that bit of extra, that spark intensifies the color of your eyes from a bright yellow into a searing red. If. I didn't say it works every time. It could just as easily kill you."
"How do I do it? By taking her pain?" Derek asked willing to do anything to save Cora.
"And then some. Because there's a cost. I can understand not seeing a downside to this, as you haven't exactly been Alpha of the year, but think about what else you'd be losing." I said
"I don't care about power. Not anymore. "
"What about the power to fight back? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kali's ultimatum still stands. The full moon is tomorrow night, and if you couldn't beat her as an Alpha, how do you think you're gonna fare as a beta? What if this was exactly what Jennifer was hoping for? She would know the only way for you to save Cora would be giving up your power. Maybe that's what she was gonna have you do at the hospital. So that you wouldn't be able to face the alphas without her. She wants you to come to her. It's all part of her little seduction, and she is still seducing you. She needs you on her side."

Lydias pov
"It's from Isaac. Jennifer, she t... she has Allison's father. She took him. She's got all three now." Stiles said looking down at his phone screen
"There's still time."
Stiles and I barged into Ms. Morrells office only to see that it was already occupied.
"Are you here for Ms. Morrell?" We asked the girl, Danielle, who was sitting at the desk obviously waiting for Ms. Morrell.
"No, I thought this was gym class." She said sarcastically
"Sweetheart, we're not in the mood for funny. Do you know where she is?" I asked.
"If I did, I wouldn't be waiting here for 20 minutes. So how about you two back out the door and wait your turn?"
"We're not here for a session."
"Well, I am. And I've got some serious issues to work on."
"Hey, wait, wait. You're Danielle. You're Heather's best friend." Stiles said.
"I was Heather's best friend. We've been working on that issue three times a week."
"Hold on, did you say Ms. Morrell's 20 minutes late?" I asked
"And I don't know why either. She's always on time."
"I was seeing her at the beginning of the semester. She was never late."
"Then she's not late. She's missing." Stiles said
"What if we're not the only ones who think she knows something?" I asked
"Then I want to know what she knows." Stiles said going through Ms.Morrells files.
"What are you doing?" I asked
"Trying to find her." Stiles said.
"Those files are private" Danielle said.
"Yeah, she's kind of right." I said
"That one's yours." Stiles said pulling out a file.
"Let me see that." I said as both Stiles and I looked at my file.
"Wait, Lydia, that's your drawing." Stiles said
"Yeah, I know. It's a tree." I said
"Yeah, good too." Danielle said.
"Thank you." I said
"No. But that's the same one, though."
"Same as what?"
"The same one I always see you drawing in class"
"It's a tree. I like drawing trees."
"No, but it's the exact same one. Don't you see? Give me your bag. There, see? " stiles said pulling my notebook  out of my bag and showing me the same tree drawn overs and over again.
"Okay, you can have my session. You got bigger issues." Danielle said leaving the room.
"What is this?" I asked
"I know where they are. it's the Nemeton. That's where she's keeping them. It has to be." Stiles said.

Maisy's pov
"How did you know, Marin, that we'd come for you?" Deucalion asked Ms Morrell as she hid in her mountain ash circle.
"Because Jennifer and I are the same. And I know you've always been suspicious of us, of what we can do." Ms. Morrell answered.
"With good reason. We know you sent that girl... the one who helped Isaac." Kali said.
"What was her name?"Deucalion asked.
"Braeden. And I sent her to do what I've always done... maintain balance."
"What do you know about Jennifer?" Deucalion asked.
"Nothing more than you know. This isn't you, Scott. Go back to your friends. You too Maisy you don't know what you're doing."
"They can decide what's right for themselves."Deucalion said.
"Not without all the information. Have you told them everything you've done? How you've piled up bodies in a narcissistically psychotic effort to form your perfect pack? Bodies that include Ennis, by the way. My brother saved him. He was alive when Deucalion went in to see him. He wants you to go after Derek, Kali, to force his decision. If Derek joins the pack, it paves the way for Scott. And making Maisy killEnnis gives him the power to put Maisy in his pack, insuring Aiden won't leave him for her." Ms. Morrell said.
"He was going to be okay?" I asked Deucalion feeling absolutely horrified.
"The lies people will tell when they're begging for their life." Deucalion said, but not for one second did I believe him. The alpha started closing in on Ms. Morrell.
"Hey, back off." Scott said causing Kali to growl at him and me to change sides to protect my big brother. And get away from the monster that is Deucalion.
"I'm not going to let them kill you. But if you know something, if you know where they are..." Scott said as Kali got closer making me growl at her.
"the Nemeton... you find that, you'll find Jennifer. Find the Nemeton" Ms. Morrell said as Deucalion threw his cane, stabbing her.

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