Chapter Two

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 AN - This took a while because of writers block and I am still not happy with this chapter, it was rubbish, but anyways! I wanted to update so I have! as always opinions would be appriciated, vote/comment/fan if you want! That would be amazing! :D 

Niall’s POV

I’m hungry; I hope we’re nearly at the interview so I can look at the buffet table. I love a good buffet!

“We’re here!” Louis’ high pitched scream pierced my thoughts.

“YAY!” I shouted back.

“Guys. Shut up.” Liam groaned, “I’ve got a head ache!”

Louis ran up to Liam and kissed the top of his head quickly before running off towards the building, arms flailing.

“Lou, kiss me instead!” Harry screamed running after Louis.

Paul came up to me as the rest of us started walking normally towards the Sugarscape offices.

“Hey Nialler!” He said ruffling my hair, “I heard they ordered in Nandos-” Paul never got to finish because I also ran like a lunatic into the building; I can’t risk them running out of Nandos!

Louis’ POV

Just as I turned a corner in the Sugarscape building, Harry caught up with me, God he was a fast runner.

“Boo, don’t you love me anymore?” Harry asked, pouting.

“Hazza.” I said blatantly, “You’re my one and only.”

Just as I said this, the rest of the band plus security also rounded the corner, along with a woman who was obviously sent to guide us to the interview, and somehow Niall was already stuffing his face with Peri-peri chicken...


“Now, before the surprise we have in store for you guys, we have one more question, is that ok?” The interviewer asked.

“Yeah sure babe!” I answered confidently, I always find it hilarious to look at the fans comments and reactions on these filmed interviews when I called the interviewers babe!

“Ok, so which of you guys are in relationships? The fans are dying to know after your long trips abroad. Have you met any gorgeous new ladies?” she asked.

“Well, we have met a lot of beautiful women-” Harry started, I interrupted by snorting at Harry’s properness, “But,” He continued giving me a glare, “I’m still single.”

“I’m still with Danielle.” Liam said gesturing towards himself.

“I’m single.” Niall confirmed.

“Despite the rumours, I’m still single!” Zayn said referring to the ‘Zerrie’ (Zayn and Perrie – Perrie Edwards from Little Mix) rumours.

“I’m also single.” I said, my heart still tugging slightly as I remember Eleanor.

“Alrighty then boys! Now, because we knew you were coming, we decided to organize a mini game, are you up for that?” The woman smiled, I liked her, and she seemed nice – she was called Stacey.

“Yeah!” We all chorused.

“Ok, the game is to each take a bowl of skittles,” She passed the bowls of skittles round so we each had a bowl full of them, “Now, each bowl has the same amount of skittles, we want to see who can fit the most skittles into their mouths without choking or eating any, and we will judge the winner by counting the amount left in the bowls!”

We all looked at each other, “Game on…” Harry said.


“Come on guys! One more?” Everyone was cheering us as we shovelled skittles into our mouths.

“Ok!” Stacey announced as we all signalled we were done, “Let’s count the skittles!”

We all hovered over each bowl as she counted one by one how many skittles were left in the bowls.

“Harry, you had 55 skittles left. Liam, you had 46 skittles left. Zayn, you had 32 skittles left. And now it is between Louis and Niall. Predictions anyone?” Stacey asked, she went round the group pretending to hold a microphone.

“Niall.” Liam said, so obviously the bromance talking, I will win!

“Louis.” Harry said a hand on my thigh, anyway, I think mine and Harry’s bromance is way cooler.

“Niall” Zayn answered, “That boy eats so much!”

“Ok, the winner is…” And before Stacey could answer, I jumped up and shouted:

“Harry Styles everyone!” And I pulled Harry to his feet and he jumped around yelling “YAY I WON! WOO!” just like the old days when we played Quickfire. :D


“So where do you guys want to go for dinner?” Paul asked after a long day with the Sugarscape girls, they are hilarious!

“Nandos?” Niall suggested.

“No, we had that for lunch today and dinner yesterday Nialler!” Zayn complained, “I can’t stand another bit of peri-peri chicken!”

“How about we go back to ‘Julies’?” I suggested.

“What? That pub from this morning?” Liam asked, “It was ages away!”

“Yeah, but… It was really good food.” I insisted.

“Lou, you just want to see that girl again don’t you?” Harry asked seeing straight through my excuse.

“What?! No!” I bluffed, “I didn’t even remember her until you reminded me of her!” I lied.

“Right…” Harry nodded with a knowing look, teasing me.

“Shut up Styles!” I snapped.

“Aww boobear!” Harry continued to tease.

I just glared at him whilst the rest of the band and security just laughed at us.

“Louis, it’s ok to have a crush.” Liam smiled.

“Yeah, it’s fine! And it’s not even as if she’s a mug! She’s fit!” Zayn laughed.

I just blushed and looked at the floor, I just wanted to see her again, I didn’t want all this attention from the boys, stupid Harry for starting it. I am not sleeping in his bed tonight!

AN - the video attatched is what Harry was like when he won the skittles game! xD

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