Chapter Eight

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AN - This chapter was quite fun to write, i don't know why, but it was! ahaha I hope you like it and all that stuff :L Vote/Comment/Fan if you like, it means so much! Now enjoy!

Also, I would like to dedicate this chapter to my amazing friend Emily, she is an absolute babe! ahaha xxx

Liam’s POV

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

My fingers are trembling as I dial 999 as quickly as possible.

Thankfully Paul and the rest of security had managed to clear the area of our fans that had turned hysterical by this point.

As I am quickly answering all questions that I can for the woman on the other end of the line, I glance to my right and see Louis on the floor, putting Grace in the recovery position, gently pushing hair out of her eyes and mouth.

And he might have just been checking her airways, but I swear I see him kiss her forehead.


Harry was trying to get Louis to talk, but all his attention was taken up checking that Grace was ok, that she could breathe and that if she woke up, that she would be comfortable.

Everyone else was pacing frantically (Henri almost having a panic attack) asking me about the ambulance, then checking on Grace, then asking me again, it seemed like a never ending chain.

After what seemed like hours – but what probably was only fifteen minutes – the ambulance arrived.

They transferred Grace from the floor onto a stretcher, and then carried the stretcher into the ambulance.

A couple of doctors were asking Paul about what happened, and Paul was filling them in, whilst we asked if we could travel with her in the ambulance.

“I’m sorry guys, but its family only, there is restricted room in the ambulance, you can visit her in the hospital though.” One of the doctors answered us.

“I’m her brother!” Louis piped up quickly.

We all turned and stared at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“Oh, I apologise, yes you can come in the ambulance.” He doctor nodded, already climbing into the back and checking Grace’s pulse.

Louis followed quickly, winking at us over his shoulder.

Oh that boy…

He is going to get into trouble one day!

Louis’ POV

After the short journey to the hospital, Grace is moved onto a rolling stretcher, and raced off down the corridor; I had to jog to keep up with the doctors.

Whilst in the ambulance they had attached what I assumed what a heart monitor, all I know was that it was one of those beeping things that go silent when the person dies and that line goes all straight.

I’d be such a great doctor…

Anyway, it was beeping away which was reassuring, and so was the feel of Grace’s soft hand in mine.

I didn’t notice that the doctors were trying to find out her medical history from me, which I guess is to be expected seeing as I pretended to be her brother, probably not my best idea ever!

They didn’t get angry that I didn’t answer, they just assumed that I was worried for my sister, which is partly true, except she’s not my sister!

Which is good seeing as it would be very creepy if I was attracted to my sister…

Wait, did I just think that?

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