Chapter Ten

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AN - This was for some reason really hard to write! Anywhooo, i hope it's ok and not completely face-palm awful! I'm dedicating this to one of my best friends, because she is just a coolkid and has and amazing Tumblr that you should all check out! It called so once you've read this, go stalk it like I do! Much love! xxx

PS. Please vote/fan/comment if you like this, and please do because it means the world! Thanks my lovelies!

Louis’ POV

It has been a whole week already.

I cannot believe that it was a whole week ago that I finally had the courage to ask Grace out.

It feels like, two days, but I guess that’s what they mean by time flies by when you’re having fun!

Wow I sound like some cheesy teenage girl…


Some people might find it hard to believe that I’ve genuinely had fun, when all I’ve been doing is sitting in a hospital and helping Grace with her therapy, but when you find someone you really care about, as long as you’re with them, anything is fun.

The doctors have been commenting on how Grace is recovering remarkably quickly, and they say it is all down to me…

They say that if she didn’t have such a caring boyfriend to look after her, that she wouldn’t have the spirit to try as hard as she is.

I just smile and thank them.

Is it bad that I don’t correct them that I’m not dating her?

I’ve gotten to know her so well over the past few days.

I know everything that makes her tick.

Her turn on’s and turn off’s – I can be using that information later! Hahaha.

What matters most to her in the whole world.

And I love it!

I love that I can make her laugh with the snap of a finger.

That when she finds something funny that she shouldn’t, she bites her bottom lip in the most adorable way.

That she’s not afraid to be herself in front of me, which is good, because that girl is the girl I love.

Grace’s POV

Louis? Lou? Louis? ” i cooed, cocking my head to one side as I saw Louis drift into his own little world.

I had been lying in my hospital bed after today’s therapy, Louis sitting in the patients chair that is by the head of the bed. Him resting his elbows on the bed and us two chatting aimlessly. I had been playing with his fingers on his right hands, just wanting the reassuring feeling that contact with him gave me.

It’s ridiculous really, I’ve known him for around a week and I already feel like a hopeless teenage girl around him.

He really makes me feel special.

He refuses to leave me to do my therapy on my own, especially as my family have all had to go abroad and there was no-one except him, the rest of the boys, Henri and my other collage friends to visit me.

The boys and Henri have come to visit me every day, and as I have been feeling better, they have all wheeled me out on my wheelchair around the hospital, for a ‘magical mystery tour’ according to Niall, bless him. They have really made an effort to make me feel better, and not once had Louis left.

I have been asking them all whether they needed to go places, for interviews and such, but Louis has always apologised to the others and said, ‘I’ll try and make it to the next interview guys’.

And as I was twiddling around with his fingers, laughing and joking around with him, he just seemed to zone out.

I let go of his hand to snap my fingers in his face to try and get his attention, but as soon as I let go he grabbed my hand with both of his and kissed the back of my hand cheekily.

“Oh, so you decided to join me then have you?” I laughed.

He flicked his fringe sassily, before replying, “I thought I could spare a second of the Sassmaster’s time for you,”

We both tried to keep straight faces, but ended up cracking out laughing.

“Anyway, I was gonna try and have a serious heart to heart talk just then and you interrupted me!” Louis complained after we had calmed down.

“ooh sorry, feisty!” I teased him, ruffling his fringe.

He then let go of my hand he was holding with one hand, and held onto my other hand, so he was holding both my hands in both of his.

I smiled a closed mouth smile at him, looking at him through my ruffled fringe.

His smile dropped and with one hand he pushed my fringe back, so he could see both my eyes clearly, before re-attaching our hands.

“You need to know it kills me when you do that…” He whispered huskily.

“Huh?” I ask, looking at him questioningly, what does he mean?

“You look so beautiful when you do that…” He says, stroking circles on my knuckles with both of his thumbs.

I look at my lap and blush, before looking up to his eyes and smiling nervously.

“I-” I was about to stutter out a reply which probably wouldn’t have made any sense, before Louis interrupted me.

“You look beautiful all the time…” he added, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards slightly, his eyes twinkling.

“Louis, I-” I started.

“Everything about you is beautiful, do you realise that Grace?” He says to me.

I just stare at him, wide-eyed.

Does he feel the same way as me?

“I love the way you smile, I love your cute little laugh, I love the way you can always find something to laugh at, and I love the way you hold my hands, I love the way you make me feel like I can talk forever, and still be interesting. I love your cute little nose-” he bends down and kisses it, “I love your cheeks-” he leans to the side and kisses them both, “I love your lips…”

I bite my bottom lip nervously, is he going to kiss me?

He looks at me, as if asking for permission, I close my eyes and wait what it seems like an eternity for his soft lips to touch mine, and when they do I feel hot in all the right places, I tingle in all the good places.

I put one of my hands I cup the back of his head, running my hands through his soft hair. The other Louis holds, interlocking our fingers and he pulls them towards himself, so that they are resting against his heart.

I feel his moist tongue glide across my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I immediately gave him, he slipped straight in, we battled momentarily for dominance, but he won easily. He explored every millimetre of my mouth, as his hand that wasn’t holding mine drew warm circles on my bare stomach after he slid his hand slightly into my hospital gown, causing me to moan quietly into his mouth.

I felt him smirk into the kiss.

He bit gently onto my lower lip, not too softly, not to harshly, it drove me crazy.

“Hi guys, we were jus- Woah! Ok! We’ll come back in a minute!” Niall said quickly, turning on his heels and speeding quickly out of the room when he saw the scene in front of him.

Louis and I reluctantly pulled apart, and just as Louis was about to settle back into his seat, I pulled him back to me by his collar, “Thank you so much Louis, you have no idea how much it means to me that you stay with me…” I whisper huskily into his ear, my warm breath sending visible shivers down his spine.

“I would never leave you for the world…”

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