Chapter Twenty-One

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AN - hey guys, do you know what this is?! The final chapter before the epilogue!! omg! Psyche! I literally cannot believe I have come this far! and i cannot BELIEVE that I have over 2500 reads! you literally have no idea how much it means!

Phew I'm feeling all emotional now!

Soooo could you guys tell me what you thought of the story? not just this chapter (though that would be good too) but like, the whole thing? It would mean so much to know people's opinions!

Also, omg ahahaha, have you guys heard about that Mr.x thing? creeeeeeeepy! ahaha I find it too funny!

Anywhooooo, thankyou so much for sticking with me this far, I literally love you all so much! xxxxxxx

ps. if you havent heard Sunburn by Ed Sheeran then listen to it whilst reading, it fits really well and it is my favourite ed sheeran song because it is perfect. Guaranteed you will love it <3

Harry’s POV

At the beginning it’s to be expected.

Niall, Liam, Zayn and I thought nothing of it. We took it in turns to stay with Louis and bring him takeout pizza, watch action movies (because chick flicks only bring tears) and casually getting tipsy before lunch.

It was perfectly normal and to be expected for the first week, the second week and maybe even the third week. By week four we kind of expected him to leave his room for reasons other than to take a piss and have a shower, but no. I was still carting food into his room for him at every meal time, curling up with him on his bed and watching tv, trying to start a conversation but not really achieving much.

The others had stopped visiting as much, leaving me to attempt to cheer him up. Management were getting pissy, nagging to me to ‘tell Louis to buck up his ideas and start doing his job again’.

I’d reply snarkily every time ‘his job is pleasing his fans, and he is a very regular tweeter at the moment, and that is definitely pleasing his fans.’

It’s true, he’d sit and do following spree after following spree and tweet absentmindedly about complete crap. Stuff about the weather and the latest episode of ‘The Walking Dead’, he doesn’t want the fans to know he’s hurting. But it’s all I can see. All I can see is the hurt that Louis is feeling.

Not to mention the fact that it has been seven weeks now, the only time Louis leaves the house is for interviews that can’t be rescheduled, a photo shoot that I am sure will literally melt the underwear off all the girls because of the depth in Louis’ eyes in all the pictures, and a quick but very important and televised gig for the Prime Minister.

And as soon as the car pulled up outside of our house, Louis got out and near enough crawled back into the house, and dragged himself up the stairs.

I suppose I should follow him up there, check that he’s ok, but I’ll probably get the same answer as always, ‘Yeah Haz I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Go out with the boys, have fun, and don’t stay home for me, ok?’

Then I’ll reply with either of my two replies, ‘Ok, call me if you need me ok? If you need anything, alright?’ or ‘Nah I was staying in anyway, room for one more?’, then I’ll climb into his bed with him and we’ll watch shit on the tv until we fall asleep.

I mean don’t get me wrong, Louis is getting better; there is no mistake about it. He will make the odd innuendo at the most inappropriate times again, he’ll make us laugh and will laugh himself, which is an improvement in itself. But there is no pretending that he is ok. He hasn’t had a night out in over two months, since before he and Niall went missing in fact, and he just needs to let go, but he can’t.

The Barmaid - A One Direction/ Louis Tomlinson FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ