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As soon as Daehwi goes to his seat, I quickly take off the watch. I know the other students might think opposite ways.

"Did you steal the watch?"
"Where did you get money to buy that damn expensive watch? From the sky?"
"You must take the watch from someone else, right? I'm going to report it."

I hate all of them. I wonder that is this the true side of the rich people.

"Who's the one that steal my notes?!!"

Suddenly, Jinjoo, the most smartest kid in the class, screaming in anger. All the classmates are paying attention to her and shaking their heads. I lay my head down on the desk, take a nap for a while.


Jinjoo kicks my desk disturbing my nap. She pulls me away from the seat with her hands.

"You must be the one that steal it, right?!" She yells at me.

"Why do I want to steal it?!" I protest.

"Yah! I know why. Cuz you're the last ranking in our class and you want to turn me down!" She pushes me until I fall on the floor.

She rummaged through my things. Unfortunately, she founds the watch that Daehwi gave to me. She takes it out, examining it.

"Song Yena. Where did you get this expensive watch? Did you have that much money to afford this?" She shows the watch to the others, humiliating me.

"What does it have to do with you?" I quickly stand up and snatch up the watch from her hand.

"I know you steal it from someone right? And I know my book is with you." She takes my bag and rip off the zip, taking all the things inside my bag.

"Hey don't do that to her! She's not the one that taking our note, gurl!" Sejeong defense for me.

"Shut up! You low profile girl!" Jinjoo shouts at Sejeong.

"Jinjoo! That's too much! You think money is everything?!"

I get answered by her slaps. My cheeks burn up. I swear it turns red now. She raises up her hand to slap me again but paused all of sudden.

"Don't touch my girl!" Jinyoung grabs Jinjoo's hand, pushes her away.

He walks to me, cupping my face with his hands. I swear that Jinjoo's slap is the most sting slap I have ever get.

"Are you okay? Your face red." He worries. I answer him with slight nod.

"You want to know, I'm the one that gave her that watch. Did you jealous because you can't buy the latest version one?" Jinyoung lied.

Why is he lying? I take a glance at Daehwi who stands on his seat. He shocked to hear that words from Jinyoung, his best friend.

"He's lying. Why?" Sejeong whispers to me. I just shrugged my shoulder.

Jinjoo leaves the scene alone with angry face. Okay, she lost. I win. But I want sincerity in winning not liar.

♪ ✿ ♩ ❀ ♪

The school is over. I have to walk alone again as Sejeong have to help in her father's shop. I passed an empty classroom where I saw Daehwi and Jinyoung. I paused and take a peek at them.

"Hyung! Why did you admit that you're the one that bought the watch?" Daehwi questions Jinyoung who is standing in front of him.

"Answer me, hyung!" Daehwi breaks his anger.

"Cuz I could also afford the watch! I'm not poor and sad like you before! I know I have more opportunity to do it!" Jinyoung shouts.

"Mwo?! Hyung.." Daehwi flustered.

"Before director gave your father work, you always skip school because you can't afford anything at the cafeteria. Now, when you have money, you want to show off in front of me!" Jinyoung continues.

A punch flew on Jinyoung's cheek. I can't take it anymore. I shouldn't just stare at them. What if their fight become serious?

I barge into the room and stop their fist fight. Jinyoung face already bruised and Daehwi got a slight cut on his lips.

"Yena.. What are you doing here?" Jinyoung asks.

"Bae Jinyoung.. Don't you think you are too harsh?" I question him.

"Tsk. I know already you will team on Daehwi's side because of that watch, right?" Jinyoung said as he leaves the scene.

Why everything turn worse and worsen?


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