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"Hyung! What's matter with you? Since when you care about what I did to Song Yena?" Daniel frowns.

"I'm not care about you. I care about her! She's not your next victim after your ex girlfriend~" Minhyun speaks before walking away.

Daniel pulls Minhyun's sleeve, stopping him from continuing his steps. Minhyun looks at him in a glare, "What again?!"

"Hyung, who are you too to care for Yena? Don't tell me you did this just because you're ashamed of losing with our team? Or because you don't have opportunity to make Yena granting your wishes?" Daniel blurts out his curiosity.

"Kang Daniel! Stop before I did something you would regret!" Minhyun yanks off Daniel's hand from his arm.

"Wae? What I said is true, right?" Daniel smirks.

Minhyun runs to Daniel, pushing him all of sudden. "This is not funny, Daniel! If you really wants my answer, I'll give to you."

Minhyun throws a few punches on Daniel's face. It's too intense and Daniel also do the same thing to Minhyun. All the newbies rush to them trying to pull them apart. But yeah, they're too powerful.

I run to them before something's bad come up. I stand in the middle of them, spreading my arms signalling them to stop. Unfortunately, Daniel pushes me away until I fell on the ground. Heol, do you call yourself man?

"Yena!" All of the newbies run to me, except Daniel, asking where I got hurt.

I shake my head, telling them I'm okay. I scrapped my knee a bit, luckily Seonho is there helping me with bandages. He's like a mini hospital. Seeing him making me feeling better a bit.

Minhyun then walks towards Daniel and let out his anger, "See what you did to Yena! Because of you she hurt twice!"

"You're the one that start it, hyung!"


Seonho stumbles on the ground, shocked to hear my yelling. I walk to them, standing between. I glare at both of them with anger. Daniel exchange looks with me, looking confused while Minhyun smiles innocently.

"Stop being like little kid! I'm shocked on how you can fight over me this far! I'm not a thing to be fight for. I'm a human too." I tell them.

"Yena...whatever you said always true." Daniel ducks his face and kneels down in front of Minhyun. "Minhyun hyung.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't disrespect you as you are my hyung."

"Daniel. Get up. I'm also sorry for hitting you first. We are too eager." Minhyun confesses.

"Yena surely change tough guys mind." Seonho said while leans his head on my shoulder.

I knock on his head with my knuckles. "Byeongari, don't play with your fantasy."

"For celebrating our team's success, Yena and the loser team will pay for the meal!" The pink sausages, Jihoon and Woojin cheer.

♪ ✿ ♩ ❀ ♪

"Let's eat!" All of us said in unison.

There's a lot of food served. It's a full set. The cutlery set looks pretty expensive. I'm sure this restaurant quite standard. And they told me to pay too.

While all of them enjoy the meals, I take a look at my wallet. There's only 1000 won note. It's not enough to pay for all of this. My face turns darker. I'm doomed.

"Yena? Waegeurae (What's the matter)?" Jinyoung asks while shoving a meat wrap into his mouth.

"Uh... Nothing." I faked smile.

I'm afraid to touch the food that I can't even pay. I just look at them eating deliciously. Especially Seonho and Jihoon. They're like food fighter.

"Yena, don't you want to eat?" Jisung worries.

"Gwaenchanayo (It's Okay). Watching all of you eat made me full." I answer him with a faked smile.

"Let's go to pay, Yena." Daehwi pulls my sleeve, dragging me with him.

As we reach at the payment counter, I keep holding my wallet tightly. After the waiter gives Daehwi the bills, I'm shook.

"135000 won?!" I shouted unexpectedly, gaining attentions from the customers.

"Yeah, Noona. This is how we always eat. How many that you have?" Daehwi asks me.

I just keep quiet, not wanting to open my wallet again. I look at him with pitiful eyes but he still in blur mood, asking me what.

"Noona~ ppali.."

"I'll pay for her instead, Daehwi.."


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