Chapter 1

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Ben's POV
I sigh. Nothing. This is boring. I look around the room and can't find any ships... boo. My brother, Preston sits beside me. "Hey sis. You seem gloom." He says. "Yeah. I can't find anybody to ship with someone else." I mutter. "Why not ship me with someon?." He suggests. "Why?" I ask. "Well. All your ships become CANON. Maybe you can find me a forever partner." He says. "Not all my ships sail." I say. "Trust me. They do. Remember those kids in preschool?" He asks. I nod. "Melissa and Carter are dating now. They're the best couple ever. And so have all your ships. Eventually. They work out. So come on. Ship me with someone in the school." He says. I blink and analyze the people around me. Just a bunch of junkies and idiots. None worth Person's time. "I-I can't." I mutter. "Come on you cactus. There has to be someone. Her?" He asks. "No. Total slut. Has 4 boyfriends judging by her jewelry." I say. "How do you know her parents didn't buy the jewelry?" Preston asks. "Pft. Parents don't buy rings that say forever and always. They also don't buy cheap promise rings. Nor diamond rings. And the one with her birth stone is an anniversary gift from Jason. There. You happy?" I ask. "Dang. How are you so smart?" He asks. "I'm not smart. I'm observant older brother." I say. The bell rings and Preston sits in his seat properly. The teacher comes in but with a new kid behind him. I analyze him. Gay, had a bad past, Northern, either too lazy to shave or likes the small beard he has, kind, weird sense of humor, and my God he's perfect for Preston. "Everyone. Meet Robert Latsky. He's new. Try not to kill him. Also we need someone to show him around." He says. My arm shoots up and my chair falls from how fast I stood up. Everyone stares at me in shock. I never talk to anyone other than my brother or the pack and hate human interaction. Of course they're surprised. "A-are you sure Ben?" Mr. Handel asks. "Yes! Please?" I ask. He nods. "Rob sit beside Ben. Give her your schedule. After homeroom she'll show you where to go." Mr. Handel says. Rob smiles and walks over. I move over one and have him sit in the seat I was just in. Preston looks at me astonished. He smiles at Rob. "Hey there buddy. Seems you interested my sister. She has never been so enthusiastic to talk to someone. She's never wanted to talk to anyone actually." Preston says. "Oh. I guess that makes me special. Thanks for wanting to be my friend." He says with an adorable smile. Perfect for my brother. "So. Just to let you know. I'm weird. I'm obsessed with flowers." I say. "Oh my God. I love flowers too. I was gonna wear my flower crown but my stupid dad took it from me and said he didn't want me to wear it." He says. I roll my eyes. "They just don't get it. It's not flower crowns that gets you bullied. It's the crowd you're with and how hot you are." I say. "I know right!" He says. "Trust me. No one messes with the Aresments." I say. He chuckles. Huh. Arse strikes him as funny. He's from Canada. "Can I guess where you're from? I love trying to guess." I ask. He nods. "Totally. But I hide my origins well." He says. "You're Canadian. The fact you're wearing a sweatshirt on a fall day shows you're northern. You're humor on the word Arse in Arsement shows you have a bit of British culture in you. Canada. Boom." I say. "Cool. What else can you 'deduct' about me?" He asks. Deduct? I'm not some detective. I blink. "Hm. Ok. You're our age. You have a weird sense of humor. You either like having a beard or are too lazy to shave. I'd say it's the first though because it seems you have a bit of OCD. And... I'd say another thing but judging by that smirk I'd say it's a secret." I say. He blinks. "Woah. That's so cool! What's my secret? Whisper it." He says. I lean foward and I see Preston lean foward a bit from curiosity. I flick his nose and whisper. "You're gay." I whisper. He flushes. "H-how do you even know that based on looks?" He asks. I smirk. "And that's a mystery I won't solve for you." I say. He sighs. "What about Preston? Deduct him." Rob says. "She's my sister. She knows everything about me." Preston says. I nod and pull Rob towards me. "He's gay too. He doesn't know it yet. But I bet you'll help him find out what he is." I whisper. He blushes. Before he can say anything the bell rings. I smile and take his schedule. "Follow me friend. Let's see where all of your classes are... hm. All your classes are with Preston. Which means we have most of our classes together. Come on. I'll show you around and then just follow Preston the rest of the day. Ok?" I ask. He nods. "Ok." He says. I smile. Life is saying they're meant to be! I smile as we walk out of class. "Now tell me. What makes you think I could help Preston find out he's gay. How would you know he's gay in the first place?" Rob asks. "I know my brother like I know the back of my hand. He gets along with girls but will never date any of them. He tends to stay away from guys that aren't his best friends. But stares alot without noticing it. Looking at you. Not only do you have a nice body that I can already tell he admires by the way he was staring at your butt. You also have the best personality. You two will click amazingly. That's why I was so excited to talk to you. I may be weird and you probably think I'm crazy for trying to hook you up with my brother. But. Please listen. And don't move fast with Preston. We're in Junior year. You have two years plus the future after school." I say. He smiles. "Ok. Thanks Ben. Um. Do you watch Sherlock?" He asks. "Who what?" I ask. "You don't?! The fact that you act so much like him made me think..." He says. "I don't know that show. But I'll start watching it." I say. He nods. "And. Why's your name Ben?" He asks. I freeze. He stops. "Too much?" He asks. I take a deep breath. "No. No it's not. My name is Ben because my birth parents and the doctors thought I was a boy who hadn't developed properly when I was born. That was what they said my gender was for a year. Until they realized I wasn't. That's when they... put me up for adoption. They didn't want an 'intersex' child. I'm not even intersex. They just mixed up the info! Uh-sorry. Anyway yeah. That's why I'm Ben. I never wanted to change it." I say. "So you're adopted. Makes sense. You have red hair and green eyes unlike Preston. I originally guessed you got the genes from a different parent." He says. I smile. He's smart. I like that. "Yeah." I say. I show him around and by the time I'm finished it's second period, which we have together with Preston.

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