Chapter 8

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Ben's POV
The guys were already at my house so we were all in the living room, waiting. Vikk was trying to comfort Mom and Jerome was trying to comfort Mitch. The boys had come to me after school and told me Preston went missing when they were on their way to the field. They're hiding something but I don't think it's of complete importance right now. Rob opens the door and jogs in. He takes a few exhadurated breaths before jogging into the room fully and setting his bookbag down and sitting beside it. "Ok. Before we save Preston. I need the full story." He says. I look at the guys. "We were on our way to the field during lunch. And. Well. On the way there I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I looked back to see Preston being pulled into a room but when we ran in the room he was no where to be seen. Just this." Jerome pulls out a piece of paper. He didn't tell me about the paper. Rob reads it out loud. "He should've kept quiet. What does that mean?" Rob asks. The boys all share a look. "Rob. Ben. Why do you think Preston was being a jag?" Mitch asks. "Because he was born one?" Rob suggests. "Because he was on his man period." I say a random thing because... I don't know. Nothing in the world was helping me solve this. "He did it to protect you both. He was told that if Rob wasn't out of our lives. Ben would be.... She would be killed." Vikk explains. I gasp. Mom cries out louder. Rob nods. "Ok. Now to what I got. Justin took Preston. He wants to trade. Preston for Ben. Says if we give Ben over she'll live but if we don't Preston won't. I already have proof." Rob holds up a picture of Preston tied to a chair. He has been hit a few times, his eye is beginning to bruise in the picture. It must be swollen by now. He's glaring at the camera with a dazed look. My breath hitches. Was he raped? No shirt, more bruises, dazed look, hatred for the camera guy. It adds up to it. I shakely take the picture and observe it more. Anger and bravery fills me. "Let's. Find. Justin." I say. "No need to. He's stupid enough to make us meet up in person. He said tonight midnight at the park. He'll have the cover of darkness. But truth be told he only has 2 or 3 other people there. Ben. You'll need to wear something a bit slutty to make Justin distracted enough for me to get a hold of him. While everyone will want to attack me. You guys untie Preston and run." Rob says. "What about you?" Mitch asks. "I don't matter. Preston does." He says. There's that stern face that would probably turn Preston on if he was here. Mom had stayed silent until now. "What about your father?" She asks. "He's on my side. He said as long as I know that I saved Preston I can die if I want." I say. Bad parenting much? I look at him. Confidence. He has something up his sleeve. I stare at his bookbag. There's something sticking out of his bag a bit. A handle. Oh God. A handle of a gun. His dad gave him a gun. Our eyes meet and he notices that I knew. He nods and I sigh. "I'll look in my closet." I say. I get up and go to my room. Of course I have slutty clothes. I'm a girl and I'm pretty confident in my body. I put all of it on and walk downstairs into the living room.

 I put all of it on and walk downstairs into the living room

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They all gasp. "Too much? Not enough?" I ask. "Ben.... you are the hottest chick I've ever seen. How have we not seen you out of a sweatshirt the time we've known You! You don't show your curves enough!" Vikk says. Mom smacks him. "It was a compliment. I'm not into chicks." Vikk mutters and rubs his arm. I flush. "I-I don't like this plan anymore." I mutter. "Justin wants this. Trust me." Rob says. I take a deep breath. "Fiiiiine." I groan exaggeratingly. We all get up and and begin our walk to the park. It took us a while. It was 11:20pm by the time we got there. Preston was tied up in a chair... naked. That just makes it even more reasonable that he was raped! He groans and looks our way. His eyes widen and he suddenly has energy. "Get out of here! They have knifes! There are 5 of them! You can't fight them! And what the fudge are you wearing Ben?!" He asks. I blush. "It's a new brand. It's called nonya. From this person called buisness." I snap. Justin walks out of the shadows. "Oh how nice. Not only did you bring Ben you brought her attitude and almost no clothes for her to wear. I'm proud that you knew exactly what I wanted Robert. You must've known because you dated her at one point. Or did you really date her?" He asks and walks around me. So close to us. He wasn't afraid. He was confident. This is what usually kills a lion tamer. Too busy basking in glory to see the lion come at him. He stops in front of me and we all stand silent. Finally Justin snaps. 4 guys come out. Two untie Preston and drag him over, dropping him in front of Rob. He moves over and lets Mitch and Jerome pick Preston up. We once again sit in silence. Hurry up Rob! "I have one more thing of Ben's. I'm pretty sure you'll love it." Rob says. Preston groans. "Rob... no..." He strains. Rob grabs the gun and pounces onto Justin, holding the weakling on the ground and puts the gun to Justin's head. "Nobody fucking move." Rob says. The other boys freeze. "Who loves this idiot the most?" Rob asks. Justin's brother raises his hand. "Good. Wouldn't want you to turn on him and have me shoot you guys instead. So. If you want Justin out of this alive I suggest you make a deal fast." Robs says. "U-uh... we won't bother you ever again." Mason says. "I need something better than that." Rob says. "We'll leave the school." Mason says. Rob shakes his head. "We'll leave the state. Starting tomorrow morning we'll pack up and head to our Aunts house in South Carolina." Mason says. "Better." Rob picks up Justin and continues to hold the gun to his head. "Run now guys. Just in case they do something stupid." He says. We nod and run home with Preston. Rob comes in not long after us. He pants and sets his bag down. Mom screams with joy and dives to hug Preston. "Oh my precious baby are you ok? Why are you naked? Do you want some tea?" She rants. He groans. "I want sleep." He gasps out. Mom grabs a blanket and puts it over him. "Ok baby here you go." She says and kisses his head. He was already out like a light. "Go to bed boys. I'll school tomorrow and explain that something came up. Rob. Call your dad and tell him you're safe." She says. We agree and I go to my room, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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