Chapter 10

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Rob's POV
The whole pack has someone to date. Except Ben, Preston, and I. I want to change that today. Even though Preston and I already basically acted like a couple, we weren't official. And I really want that to be different. During gym I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He leans back into me. "Dad is picking me up today so I can't ride the bus. But meet me at the park around four. Ok? I wanna hang out with you alone." I say. "Ok." He says. I kiss his shoulder and walk back over to my team and continue to play football.
Dad picks me up in the car line and drives me to the store. "What's the list?" I ask. He hands it to me and we start shopping. Afterwards I tell him I'll be home Monday after school. He stops me. "Bring clothes. Come on." He says. He drives us home and I pack a small pack of clothes and walk down. "No. A small suitcase. Keep clothes over there since you go there all the time. Bring some extra toiletries too." He demands. I sigh and grab the stuff from the bathroom. "Can I go now?" I ask. "Hm... and snacks. Don't expect that woman to pay for you all the time." He says. I go to the kitchen and grab an old bag of Tostitos. Dad hands me $20 and THEN I get to leave. I walk to the park and hide my suitcase in a bush and sit on the bench with the chips. Preston walks up and sits beside me. "So what do ya wanna do?" He asks. "Talk." I say. And that's what we do. We talk and eat chips, just getting to know eachother more than we already do. Finally. I decide it's time. I take Preston's hand and he squeezes it. "Preston." I say. "Yeah?" He asks. "Do you... maybe... wanna go on a date sometime?" I ask. He freezes and I feel his hand tense up. "Like... A date date?" He asks. "Yeah..." I mutter. He smiles. "Y-yeah! Totally!" He says. I smile. "Does this count as one?" He asks. I shake my head. "No I'm going to make our first date special. Anyway we should get going to your house. It's pretty far and my dad is making me take a suitcase with me. I say and motion to the blue suitcase in the bushes. "Oh ok." He says. I grab the suitcase and we walk to his house while talking about ideal first dates. His is going to the movies or a restaurant, chilling there and then going home to cuddle. We get to his house and he unlocks the door, letting me in before coming in and locking the door behind him. We then go down to his room. Surprisingly no one was here. Their parents demand they all stay home at least one day a week. Today must be that day. Preston pulls out a bed from the couch. "I didn't know you had a pull out couch." I say. "No one did. I save it for special occasions." He says and winks. I blush. He grabs some pillows and a comforter. "Well? You gonna get ready for bed?" He asks. I blink. "Y-yeah." I stutter, leaving my world of fantasy. I open my suitcase and grab some pajama pants. I don't usually sleep with a shirt on. When I turn around after changing Preston was in his boxers getting in the bed. I blush even more red as I get in bed. He scoots closer and I pull him into me. We cuddle for a bit and then we finally fall asleep in each others arms.
The next morning I wake up and feel something heavy on my chest. I look up and see Preston on top of me. His head was on my chest, his hair barely rustling against my chin. He shuffles a bit in his sleep but goes still again. I smile and pet his head. I can't believe I asked him out. Who knew Ben would be on point about us getting together after just one glance at me. After a few minutes he rolls onto his back and stretches adorably. He lets out a cute little kitten yawn too. I couldn't help but coo. He looks up at me and then smiles, sitting up. "That was nice." He says. "Best I've slept in years." I smile at his words. "Same here." I reply. We get up and get dressed. I follow him up to the kitchen where we smell bacon. I hum in delight as I sit between Preston and Ben. Mama Preston sits across from me and starts eating. I dig in. "Rob... when I came into the room last night..." She begins. Oh no. Is she mad that we were cuddling? "I saw a suitcase. What happened? Are you and your dad mad at eachother? Do you need to stay here for a while?" She asks. I blink. "Huh? Oh-No ma'am. Dad just wanted me to have a suitcase full of clothes here for the times that I stay multiple nights here. Also. He wanted me to give you this. It isn't much but it was his thanks for taking care of me." I say and hand her the money. She smiles. "Aw thanks sweetie. But you don't have to pay me anymore than this. I work hard for this reason exactly. To take care of my kids." She says. "I-I'm your kid?" I ask. "Of course you are. Ben told me in the beginning that you two were gonna get married when you were older. And I see it seems to be true." She says. I blush. "Mooom." Preston groans. "Well I'm glad you're excepting of me." I say. "Of course. May I ask a personal question?" She asks. "Mom." Ben says with warning in her voice. "Go ahead." I say. "Who will be the top?" She asks. Preston and I go crimson red and stay silent. "Mom!" Ben says and smacks her arm. "What? I'm curious." She says. "Don't try to get into your son's sex life. That's bad." Ben says. "Sorry!" She says. "It's fine ma'am. Honestly I think there won't be a dom or sub in our relationship. I want to think of us as equally dominant." I say. Ben smacks me. "You're encouraging her!" Ben says. "Oh. Than who will get who's name when you marry?" She asks. "We don't want to think that far ahead mom. We just started dating yesterday." Preston says. "What? Yesterday? I could've sworn you guys have been dating since i first met Rob..." She says. "Eheh. Nope. I like to move slow." I say. She nods. Her phone buzzes and she walks off to take the call. "Thank God." Ben says. "Yeah that got so awkward." Preston says. I put my plate in the sink. "Yeah. But I can see why she's curious." I say. They nod. We all finish and then I go back to Preston's room with him and Ben to play videogames.

Predicted Love (A Poofless Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें