Chapter 14

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Preston's POV
I get dressed and run upstairs to grab the aspirin from Mom's room. I go down to the kitchen and hand Mitch the aspirin and a cup of water. He thanks me silently. I sit down across from him. "You remind me of myself..." Mitch mutters. "Why?" I ask confused. "You're moving too fast with Rob. Don't do what I did Preston. I know you think it'll last forever but I did too and look at me. Staying up all night crying about how I think I wasn't worth it. And I'm not saying Rob is anything like Jerome. I'm just saying... try to move slow with him. So that maybe it'll actually last." Mitch says. I look at him sadly, then down at my promise ring. I take it off. "You're right. I shouldn't get too hopefull. Long distance relationships don't work anyway..." I mutter. "What does that mean?" He asks. "Rob... he's moving soon. We agreed to have a huge hang out tomorrow as a goodbye and wanted to try long distance..." I say. "Him too? Is everybody going to move?" He asks. I frown. "I really hope not. We've been the pack since little kids." I say. "Yeah." He mutters. Rob walks up and sits beside me. "Wanna play videogames or something Mitch?" He suggests. "No. You and Preston should have alone time before you leave. We can play video games tomorrow." Mitch says and smiles weakly. "Oh um. Ok." Rob says. We share a look and then leave him to do his own thing. "I'll be right back." I say. He nods. I run to mom's room and take an unused chain from her jewelry box and put my promise ring on it. I smile and then run back down to Rob. He smiles at notices the necklace. "Was it annoying your finger?" He asks. I nod. "Just a bit." I say. We walk down to my room and start up rocket league.
A few hours later
Mama Preston's POV
I blink. My mommy senses are tingling. Something is wrong at home. I call Preston. He picks up like usual. "Yes mom?" He asks I'm a raspy voice. I hope he doesn't have strep. "Hey sweetie. Is everything ok?" I ask. "Yeah. Rob is really sweet and made me soup." He rasps. "Can you check on Mitch really quick?" I ask. "Yeah give me a second." He says. I hear alot of walking and then a gasp. "Mitch?! Mitch?! Mitch wake up!" Preston screeches. "What's wrong?!" I ask. I ignore the stares from my co-workers. "Mom he took a whole bottle of Ben's sleeping meds!" He cries out. "Hang up and call the police! I'll be there soon!" I yell. He hangs up. I run to my boss. "Ma'am I need to leave early!" I say. "Why?" She asks. "My son just tried to commit suicide!" I say quickly. Mitch wasn't my son but he was like one. "Get out of here already than. I'll check you out! Hurry!" She shouts. I nod and run to my car, speeding home. I get there the same time that the ambulance does. I run along side Preston and Rob, who were following the paramedics. "Let us on too!" Rob says. "Family only." The man says. "I'm his mother and these are my other sons. Now let. Us. On." I say. The guy apologizes and lets us on. We rush to the hospital and are made to wait in the waiting room. "Why would he do this?" I ask. "He... Jerome was his life..." Preston says. I call Mitch's actual parents and they say they're
on their way.
Rob's POV
I growl and unblock Jerome before calling him. He picks up after three rings and groggily asks, "Hello?" I take a deep breath, trying not to yell. "Mitch is in the hospital." I say. "What happened?!" Jerome asks. "That's up to him whether he tells you or not. I just wanted to let you know." I say. "Well. Is he ok?" He asks. I look at Mama Preston and the doctor talking. "Hold on real quick." I say. She walks back over and sighs. "He's stable. They had to pump his stomach and he'll be out for a bit... but other than that he's fine." She says. "He's stable." I tell Jerome. "Thank God. Did he get in a wreck or something?" He asks. "Again. Not my place to say." I explain and hang up, blocking him again so that I don't get spam. Mitch's parents get here and around 3:50 all of the guys get here too. "What the hell happened?" Lachlan asks. "He attempted suicide." I say. They gasp and look at Preston. "This isn't "no big deal" Preston." Vikk says. "It is because he's alive and well. And we'll be here to help him now." Preston says in a deep monotone voice. Man. When you think a guy can't turn you on anymore than he has. "Yeah. But still. He could've died." Lachlan says. "He didn't." I mutter. "That's all that matters. When you focus on the what ifs you're going to lose your sight of the future." I add a bit louder. Mama Preston walks over. "Welp. Looks like after this we'll never see him again." She says. "What?!" We all ask. "Apparently they were planning to move. They've spent these past few weeks packing while Mitch was at friends houses. They're going to Barbados." She says. We're all shocked into silence. "This is a fucking joke right?" Preston asks. We all stare at him with wide eyes. He has never cussed his whole entire life. "No. Why?" Mama asks. "First Jerome leaves us cold heartedly, knowing about the move. Then Rob's dad calls him up and says they're moving. And now Mitch?! Mom I promise this isn't normal for me to cuss when I say this is total bullshit!" Preston shouts. "Rob. You're moving?" Ben asks. "I have no choice in the matter. Someone we don't like knows where we live so we have to. Preston and I stayed home from school just to plan the going away party." I explain. "This isn't fake but this is stupid." Ben says. The doctor walks over. "I suggest you visit him now. They're leaving tonight and you have 20 minutes of visiting hours." He says. We gasp and all go into his room. Ben shoves past them all and hugs Mitch. "Why?" She asks. "I-I thought. I could get away with
i-it." He says. She does something we have never seen her do in front of people. She started crying. In front of us. Mitch was surprised too. He gently hugs her shaking figure. "Mitch please. You're my best friend if you had died I would've hated myself for never apologizing for the stupid stuff I've done to you and for not keeping all my promises and especially I'm sorry for stealing your Minecraft pickaxe that one year and never returning it. I know you probably don't care but that has weighed on my conscious for years." She sobs. He pets her head gently. "Ben... I'm so sorry. I should have thought of you and the others rather than myself..." He mutters. "We all love you Mitch. Remember that." Preston says. We all agree. He smiles. "Yeah..." He says. We all banter like we used to before we're made leave. We all hug Mitch and say goodbye and we walk to Preston's house while Ben and Vikk take the car with Mama Preston. "You cried." Lachlan says. "And? You guys have seen me cry before." She says. "No we haven't. We've seen you after you've cried but never caught in action." I say. She blinks. "Oh... I never knew that." She says. "And you cussed." I poke Preston's side. "S-sorry. I hate cussing but... I was just so angry and sad and..." He mutters. "It's fine babe. I thought it was hot." I say. He blushes. We get to his house and continue the going away party for tomorrow. Ben had gotten off the call with the principle. It took alot of negotiating but they agreed to have a going away/memorence day for the three of us who have left/are leaving tomorrow. My last day... I can't believe that I'll have to leave all of my friends after tomorrow....

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