Chapter 9

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Preston's POV
I wake up and hear talking. I open my eyes and groan. My back... hurt like the nether. I get up and see I'm not wearing anything. Dang it! I wrap the comforter around me like a dress and walk down the steps to my room. No one was in there. Good. I put on some clothes and limp upstairs. I didn't even want to begin to think about why I was naked. It was mortifying. I get to the kitchen and everyone goes silent. The whole pack, my mother, and my sister were sitting down. I limp over and sit by Rob. "Are you ok?" Rob asks. "Yeah. Thanks to you Rob." I say and smile at him. He smiles too. "I'm glad. And don't worry about apologizing about being mean to me. The pack explained everything. And Justin will be out of town today." He says. I lean against him. "Thank you." I mutter again. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my forehead. "No problem plebston." He says. I smile and close my eyes. I wake up again on my trampoline bed. There was a plate of eggs and bacon. I eat it and drink the cup of water. I get up and walk up the stairs. This time everyone was in the living room playing rocket league. "Preston get your nugget butt over here! I'm losing!" Ben says. I chuckle and sit down, taking the remote from her. I end up winning and Ben cheers. "$10!" She says. "No! You didn't win. Preston did." Vikk complains. "Than I get $10." I say. He groans and gives the money to me. I give it to Ben. He glares at me. "What? I help my sister out." I say. We all laugh. I'm glad. We're going back to ourselves.
-Time Skip 1 month-
We are awaken by my sister. I groan and roll off of Vikk and Rob. The whole pack was in a big tangled pile. Most people think we're a polymorous relationship. It's funny in a way. But I can see why.  We all get up and get dressed in the clothes we brought with us. Then we get on the bus. When we get to the school we started classes. I sit between Ben and Rob.
Mr. Handel walks in with a boy behind him. "Class. We have a new student. Lachlan Power. Introduce yourself." He says. I look up, not really interested. But then I see Ben stating at him. Is this good or bad? "Hi. I'm Lachlan. I'm from Australia. I do take offense to jokes about my country so please don't make them. I love video games and uh... I'm very bad at sports  so don't let my slender figure defy you." He says. Ben raises her hand. "Can I show him around sir?" Ben asks. "Of course. I'm glad you're beginning to come out of your shell Ben." He says. Lachlan walks back and moves a chair to our table, sitting by Ben. "Yo." I say. "I want to make a koala joke but I know you'll take offense." Rob says. I slap his arm. "Whaaat? I didn't tell the joke. I just implied that I wanted to." He says. "It was still something racist." I say. Lachlan rolls his eyes. "Oh! Ben! Use your super power on Lachlan!" Rob calls Ben's accurate analysis' her super powers. Ben rolls her eyes. "I don't wannna." She groans. "Super powers?" Lachlan asks. "They aren't super powers. I'm just extremely smart." Ben says. "Prove it." Lachlan says. Ben sighs. "You are 17 years old. You failed 3rd grade. You are from Brisbane Australia. You have a sibling. I'm guessing a boy but it's possible it's a girl. Just one sibling. You have both of your parents and you've had a fairly simple life....hmmm also you're gay." Ben says. His eyes widen. "What the.... how'd you? Get all that by just looking at me?" Lachlan asks. "You're borrowing clothes from a sibling, most likely a boy, the age was just a guess, your shoes have the Brisbane flag on them, obviously patriotism, you failed the third grade because that was the hardest grade when it came to math and you look like you are not a mathlete. So. How much did I get right?" She asks. "All of it..." Lachlan mutters. "We're all gay if that's what is worrying you." I say. "You're gay?" Rob asks. "I think so. Still a bit confused but... I've decided I might be gay since I've never had a genuine crush on a girl." I explain. "Ha. I knew that months before you." Ben says. I flick her cheek and she yelps. "Shut up. Don't brag about my hormonal confusion." I say. Lachlan laughs. We join in. The bell rings and Ben goes off to show Lachlan around. We get to our second class. "Hey guys. There's a new guy. And get this. Ben likes him. So I have a feeling he's gonna join the pack." I say. "Oh cool." Jerome says whole copying notes from Vikk. They were all a bit busy. I sigh. We start on our projects and continue class as if nothing happened. Finally we see Ben and Lachlan at lunch in the quart yard as usual. Vikk freezes and hides behind me. "That's the new guy?" He whispers. "Yeah." I whisper back. He pulls me behind a tree. "That's my online boyfriend." Vikk says. "You have a boyfriend?" I ask. "Yeah. We've dated for two years. That's him. I know for a fact." Vikk says. "Text him. Just to make sure." I say. He does.
Vikk's POV
I text my boyfriend.
Vikk- you up?
I peek around the tree and see him pull out his phone and type on it.
Lachypoo- Yep! And I have a surprise for you after you're school is over!
Vikk- I have one right now
Lachypoo- oh really~
I step out from the tree and sneak over, Preston close behind. I cover his eyes and he freaks out. I stay still until he calms down. "Who's behind me?" He asks. Preston hushes the guys. "Guess." Rob says. "Mitch?" He asks. "Nope." Mitch says. "Rob?" He asks. "Nope." Rob replies. "Preston?" He asks. "Heck no." Preston says. "Ben...?" He asks. "Nuh-uh." She says. "Um... um... Jeremy?" He asks. "Jerome. And no." Jerome corrects. "What do these names remind you of?" I ask in a deep voice so he doesn't recognize. "Well my boyfriend's friends-" He freezes. "V-Vikk?" He asks. I uncover his eyes. "Correct!" I say. He turns around and hugs me. I hug back tightly. "Oh my God babe! I didn't know you went to this school! I just knew you lived here in Florida!" He says. I kiss him. He kisses back. "I've always wanted to do that in real life." I say. "Me too and so much more." Lachlan says. We kiss again. "Ew PDA." Mitch says. "At least we don't full on fuck in the bathroom." I snap. They blush. "We don't do that either." Jerome says. "Suuuure." Rob says. They just groan. "Well we're gay and proud of it boyz!" Mitch shouts and grabs Jerome's hand. We laugh. "Same." Lachlan says and pulls me onto his lap. I blush and smile. "Did you guys really date for two years?" Preston asks. "More than that. Our third year anniversary is in two weeks." I say. "Awww so adorable! No wonder you weren't interested in anybody. You already had someone." Jerome says. I smile and nod.

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