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"she made me so star struck the minute
my eyes laid upon her."


Joshua Bradley was star struck the first time he laid eyes on her from across the room.

He noticed her when he arrived late for maths for what was the millionth time, his heart was beating fast, he had lost his breath from trying to run to make it on time. Alas, he had failed once again, having to suffer the consequences for being a few minutes behind everyone else.

His bag was strung on over one of his shoulders, his art supplies hidden safety in the comfort of his own property. The items weighed him down, the bag carrying some of his most essential, personal things he owned. His journal and sketchbook rested in there, his prized possessions that he would never let out into the realm.

The weight of the bag couldn't stop him however, he was determined to make it on time, but when he glanced at the clock that was hanging up against the wall, above the row of lockers, he groaned, mentally annoyed with himself at how he had lost track again. He had no reason to run anymore, having failed. He had done this multiple times already, and even with the assistance of an alarm to tell him to start to head to class, it still failed to get him there before the bell signalled that class was in full swing.

He opened the door, miss being distracted by the board, but the heavy slam behind him provoked her attention, she turns around with a glare, her glare that was infamous if you were causing any kind of disruption in her classroom. Being a strict teacher, simply things didn't pass, lateness was higher on the scale of punishable offences. She looked at him disapprovingly, putting down her white board marker as she huffed at Josh.

"Joshua, I see you have decided to join the class, seven minute late however, care to explain why," she smiles, it being fake. She always starts off with a passive aggressive tone. Glancing over at the class, they all stayed silent. They have become aware of Josh's weird disappearances for the first few minutes of every Tuesday math lesson, none were yet to find out why. Josh kept everything under wrapped about what he did when he went missing.

"I'm sorry miss, I really am, I'll attend detention at lunch, I won't make this happen again," he says, apologetically. However, his words were just lies, lies that you could see straight through, he would try not to make things happen again, but it had became a ritual now, and he knew that his time management skills wouldn't get better overnight.

"Joshua, you can't give yourself a detention, your a student."

Josh raises his eyebrow at this, confused to what she was going to say next, since she sounded reasonably at a relaxed state right now.

"I would finally like a reasonable explanation as to why you were late. I would sure like to know, as I'm sure the rest of the grade would be happy to here also." She grins evilly, the grade erupted into smiles, intrigued to how Joshua Bradley was going to try to wriggle his way out of this.

He wanted to scream at her, lash out his anger and let her know how much he dislikes her, but he can't, he's simply to much of a wimp to be so hostile to a teacher, especially someone like miss, who is a sad old woman who loves to suck the lives out of today's youth.

"I... I can't explain miss." Joshua stutters, miss sighs. "I'm afraid that answer isn't just good enough, now Joshua, you either answer this simple question or you can say goodbye to your lunch times and afternoons for the next three days, because I will assign you lunch and after school detentions."

What a bitch.

Josh stayed silent, he bit his lip, looking around the room trying to find a distraction or something that could inspire an excuse, that was until he lost his train of thought, because he met eyes with one of the most beautiful things he had even seen in his entire existence.

And that beautiful thing was an unrecognisable girl.

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