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"it was never like that"


All good things came to an end, and after the few hours of painting, Josh let her walk out that door, he was happy with his artwork, submitting into his folio for art school, deciding to ditch the stupid universities, he loved the way it had turned out.

Josh never saw Freya again, after that she had dropped out of school, after all it wasn't a surprise, Freya never broke the mound of popular girl, but she ran away from it, hoping university would be better, she hadn't seen the painting since the day it had been done, and one day she hopes she'll see it hanging up.

Freya didn't really need to finish school to its end. She had good grades and she didnt want a course in science of mathematics. She wanted something simple, and it wasn't lile her parents couldn't afford her schooling, she bathed in money.

Josh wasn't sad when she saw her updated timeline and found out she was moving to California for schooling, because while liking the girl, he was a realist, the painting was one of the best things he had ever done, he didn't need more from that girl.

He sent her one private message, to which he didn't respond, a happy

Good luck in california, scary place

California wasn't what she wanted, but her parents wouldn't be with her, so this is was her chance to break out and find her true identity. Maybe she'd find the love of her life there too.

Josh sat on his bed, looking through Facebook when his door opens, he turns round, meeting eyes with a woman too familiar, her wide smile and the similarities between one another.

The hug never seemed to end.

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