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"seems as just as he gave up the pretty
girl has seemed to spark an interest and gave in."


Josh skipped first and second period, sitting in the library, thursday lessons were overrated anyway. He sit reading his book and reflecting on himself, he tried to draw something but the lines didn't seem to connect like they usually did, he found himself rubbing out his harsh lines and smudging the paper. The colours clashed and it wasn't to the standard it normally was.

Linda could see his bad behaviour, she glanced over every few seconds, looking as he grew more and more frustrated as he tried to create something at least decent, but he kept ripping out the pages, scrunching them into a tight ball and throwing them in the bin. He pulled at his hair, his eyebrows knitting together as he tries to engage fully into his artistry, but he can't.

Someone, just something was pulling him out, not letting him contact his ways with drawing. He didn't want to find out who it was trying to hold him back, even if he did already have a rough idea who might be causing this.

He wasn't going to let her control his life anymore, it had been two days. Two days means nothing in the grand scheme of things, he can't possibly be so far deep in love with her when only two days had passed. He knew nothing about the girl other than her name, a bit about her family life and her place in the cheerleading team.

He didn't want two days to hold him back forever, he had to move forward, he had to try to block her out and find something else to become his muse.

This girl held a huge grip on him already, that's the problem with pretty girls, they're toxic, they're trouble. Pretty girls can twist, play and break a fragile boys heart easier than anyone. They have this power to look all innocent until they grow tired and stomp on you with their tall, red heels.

Josh found himself pressing hard against the paper, creating big black bold lines that nearly ripped threw the thin white sheet. He was creating a black circle, which was probably the best pence of artwork he had created today, it fitted his mood, like his body was being swallowed by this harsh, controlling force.

He looks at it, the back ragged lines, the messy shading, he drops his blunt pencil and looks up to where Linda was looking at him sympathetically. "You alright Joshua?" She asks, coming over and looking at his face, his down turned lips, his tried eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine," he chokes out, he pulls his bag onto the table searching through his bag for the drawing, the one he was desperate to look at, the all to personal drawing, the one he would never want his dad to see, anyone to see. He fishes for it, not feeling it anywhere.

"Where is it," he mutters under his breath. He hears the dingle of the bell ring through the quiet room, glancing up and who else would be here? She spots him and starts edging closer, he hurries his stuff and places it in his bag, not wanting to even look at her.

He pushes past her, shocking the smaller girl. "Josh," she says as he scurries out, she wanted to give back his paper, but once again, he had fled just like earlier. She looks up at the librarian and walks over. "Do you know where he would've gone?" She asks.

"You're the new girl right?" The librarian questions, she nods. "Joshua doesn't like people, and when he does, it's mostly complicated, there's few people he likes."

"Who does he like?"

"Only two people, Lewis Redman and Tobi Brown, but trust me, they aren't that close."

"Thanks," she replies.

Freya walks out of the library, leaving Linda alone to sit at her desk because no one ever came in, Freya searches for him but she can't see where he went. She runs into a chest, the principle. "Miss Nightingale why are you out of class," he asks. "Went to toilet, got lost," she lies.

"I'll take you back to class," he says, she grins falsely, having to follow him instead of finding Josh.

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