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"don't you dare look at me because all
that does is make me fall in deeper, your beauty is a distraction."


The sun was shining bright as Joshua walked to school that day, it was starting to get to peak temperature, quite a warm summer for London. He was starting to sweat through his white t shirt, but his shorts were fine. His bag on his shoulders was causing him pain, due to all his equipment in there, but he didn't mind.

The gates came into view as he turns the corner, he crosses the road, walking up the concrete path and passing the office, going to his locker near the other side of the school, he walks past a few students talking to each other, some running around with water bottles in the hot weather. He smiles, seeing how happy the school is, how joyful they all are.

He goes to his locker, unlocking it as he puts his bag in, he feels a light tap on his shoulder, turning around he was faced with a short brunette girl with soft chocolate brown eyes. He raises his eyebrow, her shirt tucked into her short skirt, why was this girl talking to him?

"Your'e that weird kid who was perving on us while we were practising," she snarls, her friends beside her pulling disgusted faces as they glare up at Josh. "I don't think you understand us, I will get my boyfriend on you."

"Harry would beat you up," another voice chimes in, looking over to where Katie stood, he shook his head, mumbling an apology as he closes his locker and tries to escape. "What more did you want to see huh?" Katie yells as he runs down the hallway escaping the girls. "Pervert."

Josh dodges around the corner, his breath coming back, as he wasn't an elite sportsperson. He sighed, falling down the wall as he takes out his phone and pulls up the photo he took of Freya, he looks at it sadly, before deleting it off his phone, it was creepy anyway.

He places his head in his hands, trying to recollect his thoughts, maybe he could just find someone else, maybe there would be another person who he could paint. Maybe having her is a bad idea. Maybe he would find something else, a plant, a landscape, abstract, something still beautiful, still skilful and representative of who he is as an artist.

But maybe, just maybe, this could be the painting that gets him into art school.

He looks at his phone, sitting there on the ground, on the concrete, he fills with rage, picking up the phone and smashing it against the ground, the glass shattering into a million different pieces. He wanted to cry, stomp, just give up and become what his dad had become, another sad london boy who never got there.

"Are you ok?" A voice asks, he turns round, looking at the girl stood near him. Her beautiful casting blue eyes and her light silky blonde hair with her soft pale white skin and her thin pink lips, her short petite figure and her school uniform not to skimpy but still cute.

There stood Freya Nightingale.

She looks down at where his phone had been shattered, she had watched the whole thing go down, she leaned forward, picking up some of the larger fragments seeing if it's salvageable. "Why did you break your phone," she meets his eye contact again.

He couldn't get any words out of his mouth, so he did the first thing he could think of, he fled. He ran away from her and turned the first corner he could, leaving the blonde behind. There she stood, in the mist of a smashed phone and a loose piece of paper laying on the floor.

She picked it up, looking at the drawing of a distressed boy and argumentative parents, she looks up, he was far gone. She knew this belonged to him, the torn out paper and the falling from his suspicious second bag he always had on him, he always left his school bag in his locker, why was this one an exception?

She folds the paper and puts it in her pocket as she walks away, leaving the shattered glass to rest their, as she meets up with the cheerleading team.

"We put that loser in his place," Katie says as Freya walks up. She raises her eyebrow. "I said if he dares again I'll get Harry on him, that loser wouldn't stand a chance against him." She laughs, earning giggles from the rest of the girls behind her.

All she was thinking about was the drawing, she was thinking about him.

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