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"please help me distinguish the prettiest
blonde goddess i discovered."


Josh right now had one of the worst subjects he could have, physical education. To some, that subject seems great, an hour of no proper book work, just running around, this time was perfect for the jocks in his grade, but Josh had dismissed psychical education along time ago.

He left it when he was informed by his heart that art was his true passion, and he dropped his fun for football, retired to his room and drew till early hours of the morning, sometimes catching a glimpse of the sun rising, the orange sky preening through, replacing the black sky, deleting the twinkling stars that once were present.

Josh huffed as he made it to his locker, he placed his bag full of an artists desire and grabbed out his gym bag, containing his gym attire, he closed his locker forcefully, his lock a little bit rusted for some reason, he theorised it was due to the food fight that occurred a few months back in April, but he had no way to tell if it was for certain.

He rushed his way to gym, it being a far walk, he passed many students also flooding the halls to get to class by the second bell of shame, the bell that reminded you that in fact you where a piece of shit that can't manage to walk around a school in five minutes.

Josh did arrive on time, he greeted his teacher with a simple nod, rushing to the change rooms to take off his stupid formal uniform, his white button up shirt and fancy red tie and his black trousers.

He already saw a few guys getting changed, most being the egotistical jocks that liked staring at their toned bodies in the mirror, it was quite obnoxious, they quite clearly knew they were attractive, those boys were so full of themselves, always bragging about their newest achievement, those achievements however didn't vary, it was one of two things - a winning in sports or a shag with a girl.

Josh pulled of his top, showing the boys his flat stomach, he didn't mind that much, he didn't find himself to be the worst looking, and he was fine with not having raging muscles, he was content with what he had and wasn't rushing to put in hard endless hours of fitness to get the all so famous perfect man look.

He got changed and walked back into the gym, sitting on the stands waiting for the rest of his grade to come out, the girls always took forever, the mystery unknown as to why, the grade was taught by a male, so he couldn't investigate what went on, therefore not being allowed to tell them to hurry up.

Josh spotted Lewis, one of two people he actually got along with and could hold a steady conversation, he made his way over to him, Lewis blended in with some of the popular crew, besides not being involved in any sports teams, he just slipped his way through, he count count on Lewis to know something about the new girl.

"Hey," he smiled, Lewis turned his head, looking up slightly at Josh, they both did the handshake thing that was so common amongst teenage boys, they chuckled slightly, taking a seat. "Can I ask you something," Josh questions, Lewis waits a second. "You just did," he replies, a small smirk evident on his face, chuffed with his stupid remark. Josh groaned, annoyed that people still did that, Lewis noticed Josh's slight annoyance, and let him ask his true question.

"There's a new girl in my grade, she is skinny, blonde, blue eyes, happen to know her?"

Lewis takes a second to process the girls that it could be, his mind clicks, his eyes opening wide for a second as he finds a match to the woman Josh is asking about, he nods, pointing behind him to a woman that just appeared our from the change rooms. "Her?"

Josh gulps, ignoring Lewis for a second as he glances at the girl, now discarded of her dressy uniform and now in a simply sports top that was slightly to short at the bottom, exposing her midriff when she lifted her arms into the air, she wore shorts like the other girls, but they were short ( their called shorts for a reason ) , really short. Well, not short to where half her butt cheek was coming out but you get the gist.

Josh bites the inside of his cheek, looking back to Lewis who's smirk has only grown. "She joined a well ago, surprised you only just established her existence." Lewis laughs.

"Her name is Freya Nightingale."

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