Mary and Joseph

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Walking in silence down the hallway from the headmasters office to the administrations office really gave Tina a chance to take in the school, everything is clean, polished and organised if only her bedroom looked like this Tina thought as both her and Rory arrived at the desk that they think will help them find Miss James. "Hi, Were looking for Miss James." Rory asks in a sweet voice.

"Names?" asks a strick lady that Tina does not want to get on her bad side of cause it looks scary.

"Lorelai Gilmore. But I go by Rory."

"Christina Gilmore" adds Tina as she already thinks that having two first names will confuse people, so she makes up her mind that her teachers can call her, her full name Christina and her class mates can call her Tina if they want.

"Fill this out, please." as the girls are given papers to sign and fill out while she walks the files to the other desk. The two files are then handed out the window to three girls while the twins have no idea what conversation is about to happen outside.

Outside the window the three girls from the stair case earlier two of which Tina thought had a great sense of style are sitting in the bushes waiting to read the files.


"Shut up."

" Hurry, please. Spiders".

"Lorelai and Christina Gilmore."

"Nice stripper name."

"Formerly of Stars Hollow High School."

"Where's that?"

"Drive west, make a left at the haystacks and follow the cows."

"Ooh, dixie chicks."

"One has a perfect attendance, 4.0 grade point average."

"Bugs, dirt, twigs."

"The other has good attendance and a 4.0 grade point average as well"

"The first ones a Journalism major and the other is Pre-Law"

"That means she's gonna go out for the school paper."

"Not necessarily. She's got like a thousand recommendations in here."

"Popular with the adults and going out for the school paper and the other was on the year book committee"

"Would you stop? You don't know she's going out for the paper and we need help with the year book last year's was awful"

"Ow, something's biting me!"

"Quiet down."

"I hate nature."

"She'll never catch up. She's a month behind already and the other one isn't even going to go for the paper maybe so she's not a problem"

"You can tutor her. Be like a big sister and I liked the other one she know how to do her hair and makeup"

"You're funny maybe you should ask her for tips on hair and makeup"

"Okay, lizard and that was mean, goodbye."

"Why are they letting all these extra people in? They just take up space and screw up the curve. We don't need any new kids here."

"Too late."

"Psst."  as the files are handed back through the window

Back inside the administration office completely unaware of what's happening outside the girls finish signing the forms and hand them back to Miss James. "Here's the dining room, the science hall, and the theater. Here's your locker numbers, here's your schedule, take this map. Here's the rules of the school and the Chilton Honor Code. Here are the words to the school song, which must be recited upon demand. This can happen any place, any time. If you do it in Latin you get extra credit. Do you have any questions?" looking between the two girls who both have overwhelmed looks on their faces.

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