Goodbye Cinnamon

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Inside the Gilmore's Kitchen Lorelai is seated at the table drinking coffee as Rory walks into the kitchen and closes her bedroom door on loud music

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Inside the Gilmore's Kitchen Lorelai is seated at the table drinking coffee as Rory walks into the kitchen and closes her bedroom door on loud music.

"Hey. I have an idea for a new reality show. How about everyone just looks out their freakin' kitchen window for a change?"

"Ooh. She's cranky this morning." smirks Tina as she enters the Kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Let's just say the world has a formidable opponent."

"Wait -- shouldn't you be baking?" an alarmed Rory asks her mother

"I don't know. Shouldn't you be knitting?" adds their mum, as if Tina or Rory would ever knit.

"Mom! The Chilton bake sale is today!" yells Tina suddenly worried that they are going to be the only ones with no baked goods.

"I know. I got it covered." shrugs Lorehai as if it is nothing to worry about.

"They expect the things to be homemade." as Tina gets up to put her coffee mug in the sink.

"I know."

Turning back around to face then both Tina comments "By someone other than Dolly Madison."

"I said I have it covered." a frustrated Lorehai answers

"All of the parents pitch in so this is really really important. You know that, right?"

"Yeah mum, if you don't have anything I will disown you" states Tina as she looks down at her watch to see how much time she has before school.

"No, I didn't know that. In that case I don't have it covered. I have it covered! Get your stuff and hit the stereo -- we're late." yells Lorehai as Tina walks into the living room to grab her bag then waits on the porch for Rory so they can walk to the bus stop together. Saying good bye to Lane the Gilmore's run into Babette and Morey who are pulling a wagon with Cinnamon inside.

"Wow, Cinnamon, riding in style." comments Rory earning a wolf whistle from Tina.

"Yeah, Morey made it. Cinnamon's not walking good these days but she still likes her passeggiatas. That's Italian for 'a nice walk.'" Babette told the girls if only Tina found someone who loved her even half as much as cinnamon was then she would be happy.

"Passeggiata." adds Morey with an accent

"Oh God, he makes it sound so sexy."

"Come on."

"What's that?" her mother asks pointing to the enclosed air of the wagon.

"Oh it's Cinnamon's private area. Sometimes she likes to be alone. She's just like Morey in that sense." comments Babette then turns to Morey "Hey, say passaggiata again."

"I can't do it on command, Babs." bring a smile to Tina's face at how perfect they are together.

"Oh, he's blushin'. God, I love a man that blushes!" smiles Babette as her and Morey walk away pulling the wagon along with them.

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