Sweet Sixteen and already been kissed

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Tina, Richard, Rory, Lorelai, and Emily are at Friday night dinner waiting for dessert while having a causal conversation but Tina is still super bored.

"So, Rory and Tina, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner for you two to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our wills." getting a 'what the hell' look from Tina, cause her grandparents house is nice but it's not her style she loves color and modern but old dark and vintage is so not her.

"Take a look at that desk in my office. It's a really fine Georgian piece." suggest the girls grandfather as kind as it is the desk is ugly thinks Tina.

"Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners?" wonders her mother cause they could start a TV show with all the weird and stupid stuff that happens here.

"Oh, well, anything you want to leave me is fine." adds Rory being the sweet girl she is where if Tina is going to be left anything it would be money not this junk.

"Nonsense. You should have what you like and what about you Tina I'm sure I have some jewelry that you might want." sparking Tina's interest again "So look around and when you see something you like stick a post-it on it."

"OK, you two have officially hit a new level of weird that even I marvel at." frowns her mother thinking what is going on with their grandparents.

"You can pick out things too, you know." smiles Emily trying to involve Lorehai back in the connverstation

"Oh, well now it's way less creepy."

"Did you hear that Richard? Apparently we're creepy." her grandmother tells their granfather

"Yes, well, live and learn." ends her grandfather just as the maid carry's a tray into the room. "Oh cool!" exclaims Rory at the sight of the pudding while Tina looks like she is going to vomit she used to love pudding but lets just say that 5 years ago it was ruined forever.

"What's that?" asks her mother but already knowing the answer while her youngest turns greener at the sight of the pudding.

"It's dessert." states her grandmother as Tina stands up feeling the need to be sick before her grandmother starts talking "Where are you going Tina sit down and eat your pudding it's to die for" not realizing that she was making her granddaughter feel sicker, as Tina walks quickly out of the room to the nearest rest room. Faintly wearing her grandmother ask her mother what is wrong with her. After finding the nearest bathroom and feeling a lot better Tina is walking around the Gilmore house and opens a door to find it filled of tablecloth samples, invitations and flowers. Walking into the room Tina picks up one of the invitation and is surprised to see her and Rory's birthday printed on them since when are they having a birthday party here.


Sitting in the car the three Gilmore's begin there journey back to Stars Hollow when there mother asks "So, how would you like two parties this year?"

"You couldn't get her to cave." frowns Rory

"Are you seriously I have to spend by birthday with a bunch of old people no thanks" semi yells Tina she was not happy with this at all.

"No, but she did agree to make the string quartet to learn "Like A Virgin and Tina you have to go I'm sorry"

"Well, you tried." answered Rory while Tina sulked in the back of the jeep.

"Sweet hearts, I promise, Saturday night we'll do it up right at home. A Stars Hollow extravaganza." getting a large smile from both girls it always was fun at a birthday party at Stars Hollow.

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