Rory's first kiss

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Lorelai, Tina and Rory all walked across the town center admirting it's fall decorations. "One of us has to do laundry tonight." states the girls mothers.

"Why?" wonders Tina she had checked and she was good on laundry

"Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days."

"So right now under your skirt you're wearing...?" a slightly disgusted Rory asks

"Not underwear"

"Mom!" faking angry yells Tina

"It's kinda nice, actually -- breezy."

"My role model, ladies and gentlemen." Adds Rory while Tina is just staring at her mum like she's crazy which she probably is.

"How come you haven't run out yet?" Looking between the two.

"I don't know. I guess I have more underwear than you." Comments Rory

"That's not true. You have less then me Tina is the one that has the most. Have you been doing laundry without me?" Pretending to act outraged.


"Yeah Rory have you been doing Laundry without us" mocks Tian joining in on the teasing


"OK, one load." Getting a mock angry look from Tina and her mum.

"And you didn't even ask if I had stuff to throw in? Or your sister"

"It was a big load. There wasn't any room and Tina needs like 10 loads just for her so"

"I'm crushed. I'm bleeding. Get me a tourniquet. Oh, no, they're dirty 'cause Rory wouldn't wash them with her stuff"

"My own twin it's not my fault I like to look good" adds Tina as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'll do another load tonight, I promise and Tina I love your clothing choices" getting a smile in return

"Never mind. I'll do my own laundry."

"You can do my Laundry if you want Rory"

"Fine, even better." Adds a sarcastic Rory

"I hate doing laundry. Maybe I'll just buy new underwear" finish's her mum as they walk by Miss Patty's dance class having a dress rehearsal for a Thanksgiving dance outside.

"And flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter, flutter...and leaves. Where are my leaves? I got pumpkins, I got Pilgrims, I got no leaves." Shouts Miss Patty as Rory and Lorelai enter Luke's while Tina walks home to collect her English book.


After a long and stressful day at Chilton which sucked even more then normal because Matt had caught the flu and due to Tina and his recent make out sessions Tina could feel herself getting sick. Getting off the bus with her sister the girls quickly parted ways Rory going into the Market while Tina went to visit Miss Patty about the up coming fall town celebration, in which Tina would be playing the fall princess.

After her meeting with Miss Patty Tina heads home to find her mum in the kitchen lying half on the floor, half in the empty refrigerator. Grabbing her self a cup of coffee Tina greets her mum that is still on the phone just as Rory walks in.

"Yeah, can you hear that?" questions her mum holding the phone in the fridge "No, no, it's higher, it's like a high-pitched kind of an "EEEEEE!" sound. It started last week but it was lower and it only happened when we opened the door and now it's higher and it's on all the time so I think it's really, uh, growing in confidence."

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