Chapter 5

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I nervously touched my hair, double checking to make sure every curl is in place. "Oh stop your fussing, you look

amazing." Mary told me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous!" I told her.

She laughed. "You look amazing. And I'm sure Steve will agree with me."

I just nodded in response. "Mary, Adelaide! The boys are here!" Mary's mother called up from downstairs.

We hurried down. As soon as the boys saw us, their jaws were hanging open.

Bucky was the first to speak. "Mary... You look amazing!" He said, awestruck. I laughed. He looked at me, more surprise on his face. "Lady? Wow!"

Then Steve spoke up. "You look amazing Adelaide." He told me. I blushed.

"Thank you Steve. You look quite handsome yourself." I told him. He turned slightly pink. He did look very handsome.

"Well, it's time to go to the dance." Bucky said.

And with that we were off.


Mary and Bucky went up immediately for the first dance. Steve and I went and got a seats for us for dinner.

I went to sit down, and Steve pulled out my chair for me. I smiled at him. "Thank you."

He smiled back. "It's a pleasure."

And then we waited. We somehow came to the mutual agreement not to dance till after dinner. If we even danced at all.

You see, I haven't danced since I had a date go bad. The guyI was dancing with tried to do things, and I've never danced since. It's not that I didn't trust Steve. It's just that I'm not very comfortable dancing much anymore. I also know Steve is waiting for the 'right girl' for him to dance with. I just hope I'm the right girl.

After dinner everybody got up to go dancing. I went to sit back down, then Steve grabbed my hand. I looked at him in question. "I have something to show you." He said.

I smiled and nodded. He led me outside towards the gazebo. Before we got any closer though, he had me close my eyes. I giggled. He may be small, but he's so sweet. And apparently very romantic.

Steve guided me up the steps when we stopped. "Ok, open your eyes." He told me.

I did, and I gasped. It was beautiful! The gazebo was lot up with candles, and flowers hung suspended on the wood.

"Oh Steve, it's beautiful! Did you do all of this?" I said.

He nodded. I hugged him. "Thank you so much." I said.

He held out his hand. "I know you don't really dance anymore. But, I've found the perfect girl to dance with. So... Would you like to dance Adelaide?" He asked.

I smiled. "I would love to Steve."

He smiled and grabbed my hand. We danced to imaginary music. Swaying back and forth to a waltz like dance, that only we knew.

We stopped dancing and we stared into each other's eyes. My eyes closed as we both started to lean in....

And then Bucky walked up. "Hey guys, I just wanted to check on you." He said with a cheeky grin.

Steve and I jumped apart as Mary came up and smacked Bucky. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked her.

She looked at me sadly. "You are such an idiot James Buchanan Barnes." And with that she dragged him away by his ear.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now