Chapter 14

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It was now December 20th. I was busy making sure that I didn't leave things wrong. Bucky enlisted and was excepted. He's going to be leaving for training January 2nd. I'm gonna miss him and Steve. Probably Steve more than Bucky.

Steve and I are closer than ever. We both know with this war that I may not come back. So we've been spending as much time together as possible. He's still trying to get into the army. A small part of me hopes he doesn't get in, for fear of loosing him. But I know that he wants to join, so I keep encouraging him.

Bucky wasn't coming home for Christmas, so it was just Steve and I. So after church, (FYI they're both Catholic...) we went ice skating. We decided to open out presents later.

(Here's the outfit... ish

We went to the park were the pond had frozen over. We weren't the only people there. Steve and I put on our skates and went onto the rink. Let's just say, I've never skated before. Nor am I graceful. While Steve is doing circles around me, I'm trying to just stay up. I fell over yet again and he helped me up. A small smile on my face. We stood on the ice, facing each other.

It was a nice romantic evening. Sure I missed Bucky a lot, I'm really worried about him. But at least it's only training right now. Most of all I missed my parents and Mary. I haven'y had a christmas with them in over four years, but that doesn't mean it isn't painful knowing that they're gone.

I fell over again, but this time I brought Steve down with me. We laughed. "Who would've thought that I would be so horrible at ice skating." I said laughing.

"And who would've thought I would be so good at it." Steve said smiling.

He stood up and tried to help me up. Keyword: 'Tried'

We fell down again in a heap laughing. So we scooted,/slid our way over to one of the walls and stood up. Steve held my hands. I was facing him. His face was pale and his nose red from the cold. His blue eyes locked onto my hazel ones.

We both leaned in and our lips connected in a sweet kiss. We pulled apart smiling.

"Now how about I help you skate?" Steve asked.

And that's how we spent our time skating. Steve skated backwards, holding my hands and guiding me. Eventually we were able to skate side by side, hand in hand.

All in all it was one of the saddest christmas's I have ever had. But it was also one of the best. I got to spend it with the person I love the most in my life, Steve.


"Go on, open it." I said to Steve as I passed him his gift.

He looked at it skeptically. "You didn't need to give me anything Adelaide, I'm just happy that you're back and I get to spend time with you before you leave." Steve told me.

"I'm just happy I get to spend time with you as well, but you still got me a gift." I said gesturing to my pile of still wrapped gifts.

"But still..." He said.

I pushed it towards him, along with a few others. "Please." I said simply, giving him big doe eyes.

He sighed and opened it. I got him three new sketchbooks, all different sizes. New supplies, specifically pencils. A LOT of candy and food I made. And last but not least, I gave him a chain. I want him to know that I know that he'll get into the army someday soon.

He looked at me amazed. "Adelaide, this is to much. You didn't have to do this." He said.

I smiled and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I wanted to give you something. I also want you to know that I believe you'll get into the army someday. I want you to know that I will always believe in you.... Do you like it?" I said. I really hope he likes it.

He smiled and kissed me softly on the lips. "I love it! Now open your gifts." He told me.

I smiled and opened them. I had already gotten a new bag from Bucky, and a charm bracelet that Mary had already bought for me. I also got a beatiful bracelet and earrings from my parents to match the locket that Steve and Bucky gave me. I'm so happy that I got one last thing from them.

When I saw the gifts Steve gave me I gasped. First there were three beatiful dresses, one for casual wear, one for work wear, and one for formal wear. Then there was a box of chocolates, and last but not least was the best of all. When I opened it I nearly burst into tears.

In my hand was a little black box.

I looked over to Steve and saw him kneeling down on one knee.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now