Chapter 21

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        I stood up abruptly once Schmidt made his threat, head butting him in the forehead. I would not let him intimidate me. Schmidt gestured to the man by the wall, rubbing the area I hit. "Dr. Zola, why don't you explain to her what we want. 

        The man named Zola came forward. "You are to help me perfect my serum." He said.

        I looked at him incredulous. "Are you serious? I will never help you. Especially when it has to do with something similar to the serum I worked on with Abraham. " I stated. 

        To say that Schmidt did not look pleased was an understatement. He looked downright pissed."If you refuse to help us, I will have to start killing." He told me angrily.  I stared at him defiantly. He sighed. "Very well, bring him in." He said to Dr. Zola. 

        Zola went to the door and dragged in a young man. He looked like he was barely twenty. "What's your name?" Schmidt asked. The man looked terrified, but refused to answer. "What is your name?" He repeated. When the man didn't answer Schmidt kicked him in the stomach, knocking him over. 

        Schmidt bent down to his face, now on the ground. "I asked you your name soldier." He said coldly. When the man still didn't answer, Schmidt then beat him to a pulp. I watched in horror as this man beat the soldier to a bloody pulp.

        "Stop!" I shouted when I noticed that if he kept going the man would not survive. 

        Schmidt turned to me smiling. "Yes?" 

        I looked at him straight in the eye. "Stop hurting him." I said to Schmidt. Then I crouched down tnext to the man. "Please just tell them your name." I pleaded. I placed my hand on his head a tried to heal him. I had just started when I was pulled away.

        Schmidt held tightly onto my arm. "You heard her, what is your name?" He asked the soldier.

        The man glared at him. But when he saw my pleading eyes he answered. "My name is Ezekiel Archer." 

        Schmidt smiled evilly. "Well Ezekiel, you are now Dr. Zola's first test subject. The soldiers will now escort you to your new cell. I hope you don't die." He said. 

        I stared at him shocked. It seemed Ezekiel had the same look as I did when Schmidt laughed. "This is my offer Adelaide. Either help Dr. Zola, or watch him experiment with soldiers. It is your choice. Chose wisely." 

        I looked at Ezekiel as the Hydra soldier's picked him up. "I... I don't know." I said. I didn't want to mess with a man's life. I didn't want to help them, but I didn't want him to die because they can't figure it out. 

        "Adelaide, don't do what they want!" Ezekiel told me desperately before they punched him in the gut. He groaned and sunk to the floor. They picked him up again.         

        I looked at him shocked. "If I don't do what they want, you'll die. I can't do that, I just can't. I have no right to mess with your life." I said.

        He smiled at me. "You're right you don't. But I do. Please Adelaide don't do what they want." He said pleading.

        "Well I think that's enough from him." Schmidt said, then he knocked him out. "What is your decision?"

        I looked at Ezekiel on the ground. I don't want him to die, but this is what he wants. I glared at Schmidt and glared at him. "I will not help you. I would rather die." 

        "Very well." 

        That was the last time I saw Ezekiel. He died about three days later, he couldn't survive the testing. It was the same with five other men. Dr. Zola, even though he's an odd man. He was somewhat considerate. He gave me Ezekiel's dog tags.  

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