Chapter 12

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We stood there in the rain, Steve just asked me to be his girlfriend. "I would love to be your girlfriend Steve." I said to him.

He smiled the biggest smile ever and kissed me again. This time in the rain. Then we walked hand in hand in the rain, not a single care in the world other than each other.


We were walking around the art museum Steve and I. It was our first date, when we found out that what I had feared would come true.

We were on our way to dinner when somebody came running down the sidewalk screaming. I looked at Steve confused he just shrugged. Then we passed the newspaper stand. The newspaper said:


September 1st 1939





I looked over at Steve shocked, his face showed what mine did. Shock, fear and so many other things.

He grabbed my hand. "We should go home." He said pulling me away from the stand. I nodded silently and we made our way home.


It wasn't long before the signs went up asking for volunteers. It also wasn't long before Bucky and Steve volunteered. Well Bucky at least, Steve still hasn't gotten excepted.

We were walking around after our lunch date when we came by a center for men to volunteer. Steve looked at it forlornly. I grabbed his hand. "They're fools for not even considering taking you Steve." I told him. In all honesty, I didn't want him to go. I didn't want to loose him. But I know that this means a lot to him. So I will suppose him whenever I can.

He laughed. "They don't want a scrawny asthmatic guy who looks like a child in the army Lady. But I won't stop trying." Steve said, then he walked inside.

"Steve! What are you doing?" I asked him following him inside.

"I'm enlisting." He answered simply.


"I'll be out in a minute ok?" I just nodded and sat down by the radio. Thinking but its illegal to lie on an enlisting form...

I was sitting there waiting when a news cast came in.

"Just in, Rome has been bombed. Repeat Rome has been bombed. Along with..." But I stopped listening after that. My parents are in Rome...

As soon as Steve came out looking dejected I grabbed him and hurried out. Pulling him with me to the diner where Mary works. Bucky should be picking her up for a date about now.

"Lady? Where are we going?" Steve asked as I dragged him along.

"The diner where Mary works."

"Why are we going there?"

"Because Bucky is there."

"Adelaide stop! What's wrong?"

I stopped and noticed that I had tears coming down my face. "Rome has been bombed."

Steve's eyes widened. He pulled me into a hug as I sobbed. "I'm so sorry Lady, I'm so so sorry."

He just held me while I cried. Then he got a taxi and we sped off to the diner.

My Sweet Captain a Steve Rogers love story, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now