The Charity Gala

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I could be dreaming, but from what I see my story is currently at #180 on the Humor list. I honestly don't have words to express how I'm feeling right now. 


The dress above is the dress she wore to the event by the way. :)

And like usual, this chapter has not been edited. 


I hadn't seen Emma the whole day. What this meant was that not only did I still not have answers to my thousands of questions regarding the male who picked up her phone but I also had to wear one of the ugly dresses my mother had picked out for me for her charity gala. 

I looked down at my dress and for the nth time that night and let out a prolonged sigh. Out of the bunch she had it was definitely the nicest but being the nicest out of the bunch didn't mean it was actually nice. It was a black and white satin dress that for some reason kept making me think it was some sort of rebel bride dress gone wrong. The top half of the dress was a black satin material decorated in black crystals and sequins. The crystals were used to make some sort of flower and leaf prints over the dress. The bottom half of the dress was a bell shaped Cinderella style skirt that was overlaid with tulle de soie. Not only was it uncomfortable to sit in, but the dress overall was pretty heavy too. As soon as I had put it on, I had regretted not picking the pink mini dress she tried so hard to dress me in. 

Fortunately for me, I wasn't the only one dressed so ridiculously. The men were fine since they were just dressed in suits, but there wasn't a single woman in the hall that was dressed down. Everyone was dressed as if they were attending a ball in which Prince Charming would find his forever love. 

It didn't take long for me to find Emma but before I even began walking towards her, my eyes landed on a very uncomfortable looking River. The handsome young man was being flocked by young woman who looked like they were ready to eat him had he made a single wrong move. With a huge smile on my face, I walked towards them and linked arms with River. 

"I have been looking everywhere for you!" I placed a kiss on his cheek like a lover would. The look on his face was priceless. It was a cross between surprise and confusion but it somehow made him look like he was constipated. I had to try very hard to not burst out in laughter.

The women all looked at me like I was some sort of psycho and tried to get River out of my grip. Before they could try any further, River took me by the hand and lead me away, much to the dismay of the gaping women. 

"They don't look very happy," I noted.

River simply sighed before looking me up and down. 

"Like what you see?" I grinned.

"It feels strange seeing you in a dress." 

I scoffed, "And here I was waiting for some compliments."

This made him smile, "You don't look bad." 

"Wow, is that the best you could do?" 

He was about to say something but my mother's voice through the intercom cut us all off.

"Thank you all for attending our 10th Charity Gala," she greeted everyone with a smile. "I am Mary Grace and I am your host for the night." 

People began taking their seats and to my dismay, I was not seated on the same table as anyone I knew. To make matters worse, I was seated on the same table as the Jensens. Yes, the family of Michael Jensen who also happened to be the guy my mother and her friends were trying to set me up with.  She couldn't have been any more obvious. 

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